English is not my main language, I was expecting to read it but I was very disappointed with the story, and basically the beginning of a fan-fic that did not go forward, I expected more from history as a person to die and the reward and reincarnation and soon so I lose my family out of nowhere and suffer for months. it was better to stay dead, worse of all he accepts it in a good way and doesn't complain and totally illogical since he lost his family in the first life and soon lost it in the second it was better to have put him as an orphan that the story could have been better, and another serious but interesting thing to have put him in a family because why put him in a family of pure blood he invents without a good story, you cannot accept it, because the end is already in his face he will spend the 7 years being a helper from Harry because dumbledore will say that his parents were of the order of the phoenix and he would like him to be of the order too then he will spend the whole fan-fic helping everyone with his very bad powers, sorry thing and what i think when i read the first 6 chapters
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LIKEalready thought of making a plot out of the original? since every fanfic turns around it gets boring already, why not create a new super villain that is more dangerous than voldemort not in terms of power but on purpose since voldemort even had won the battle at hogwarts in Max would stay in England even as no European family liked what he says, it doesn't make him go to Gryffindor which gets boring because he automatically becomes Harry's friend and Dumbledore will make him a chess piece for Harry to stay but strong since the MC is going to be super strong, try to explore the magical world more because there are so many schools but nobody explores it. I think that if the fanfic follows a different course from the others it may be more attractive to readers since the next chapter will be something new and not the same as always
I’m not planing on making too powerful. He’s mostly going to be just above the two in terms of strength. And I’m not making a new super villain cause I really enjoy other fanfics letting the OC basically playing around in the world and I don’t want it to end up being dark and gritty. I did have some thoughts about exploring some other schools but I’m not there yet.
it would be interesting to put him in another house other than Gryffindor and like he creates a society to strengthen Muggle-born and mixed-race people. and do not put harem since it is a western society and try to choose another girl to be his girlfriend since hermione is really annoying with this one of wanting to know everything and that will drag the mc into all kinds of problems
No worries there. Although I feel like I’m spoiling a lot of stuff if I say all my plans. Not going in Gryffindor and that’s certain. No Harem, but I’m still debating on the romantic option. Fluctuating between the older Tonks, Younger Hermione, or an OC female character Im creating.
i just read in a review that he just wasted a wish for being handsome and nothing got out of it.....is that true?
Alexander_the_grey:Thanks for the feedback. Tried to adjust the third chapter and make him a bit more active in his effort to get out and displaying some more anger towards the death eaters. But I’m going to let the family stay dead as that is how the Bones family died in the canon.