
Review Detail of Aeternabilis in Let Me Make You a Star

Review detail


I'm finding this book really hard to get into as the premise of it all is so sht. The whole reason for everything is basically he didn't complete his father's dream so he felt guilty af, resulting in a slump, his mother was disappointed in the mc for not following his father's dream resulting in them distancing themselves. He goes back and decides to complete his father's dream instead and goes from there. It is repeatedly mentioned how bad it was because he didn't follow his father's dream. To me, this is so sht and just rly hard to get into. As the mc did nothing wrong, he just made rly bad business decisions and surrounding himself with the wrong ppl. He followed his dream and now this is made out that it was the wrong thing to do and that he should have just followed his father's dream instead. You shouldn't force your child to do what you want... let him have his own dreams. Now, this whole story is about him completing his father's dream and correcting his mistake of following his own dream instead. This is just such a bad way to build the foundation of your story on and is rly hard for me to immerse myself as I dunno, it's just bad thinking.


Let Me Make You a Star


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