
Review Detail of Zackary_Zhangcheng in Records of Rebirth

Review detail


I'll have to read further in order to give a more fair review. But as per the condition we agreed to on WebNovel forums, I'll list my thoughts so far. The grammar is quite polished. I can tell that the author has been at it for a decent amount of time. And usually I wouldn't recommend the usage of a first person POV in a fantasy novel, but in this story, it's well done. As a reader, I could feel the emotions of the protagonist as she struggled to recall how she ended up in that void. Another intriguing aspect of the story was the number of relevant characters introduced from the get go. The author doesn't name them, but instead gives them titles that are easy to follow during an action-packed scene. I assume that they'll be given names later. It'll be a neat tie-in to see.


Records of Rebirth


Liked by 2 people




Thank you for reading! I'm glad someone pointed out the lack of names. It was my way of representing the protagonists mental state at the time. The circle of people she cares for is quite small, so the first thing she forgets are the names of the classmates who died with her, which is quite funny. Everyone in her memories is represented by an archetype with exceptions like Sensei whom she can't really qualify. But we'll learn of their old and new names in the future when I reintroduce them. Thanks for the review!