2020-05-16 21:34

Pretty good so far, hope it doesn't become some harem fanfic like so many of these become nowadays. Recommend this to ppl who want to read knb fanfics for sure, writing quality is really good as well, easy to understand, don't need to guess when reading at some parts what the author might have meant. Also interesting original content. The main character doesn't seem bland, for now, hope it stays that way.

Liked by 189 people


Thank you for a comprehensive review, I will try my best so that he at least stays interesting.


So no harem?

FictionOnlyReader:Thank you for a comprehensive review, I will try my best so that he at least stays interesting.

Nope. Single-pairing in this fic.

IncubusIsLaifu:So no harem?

Is it momo???

FictionOnlyReader:Nope. Single-pairing in this fic.

Just let it sit and read the chapters and we will know, whats the point of getting these spoilers, unless the author hasn't decided himself yet who he would pair Shun with and will ask the readers opinion on what pairing they would want to see. Pretty sure there are some people who like the Momoi + Kuroko ship and dont want it to change. But I'm honestly fine with any pairing as long as it isn't a harem, you feel me.

Thutmose:Is it momo???

Who romantic interest mc?

FictionOnlyReader:Nope. Single-pairing in this fic.

Satsuki Momoi

Kurigohan:Who romantic interest mc?

True I actually hate harems.




Coloca o prota no seirin


Acho quase impossível a momo ter algo pelo kuroko dnv pq quando ela se apaixo por ele no anime foi na epoca do sorvete


You should have Shun enter the zone again sometime. Or have him learn how to enter on his own.


He'll enter again on the Finals against Teiko.

DarkMonarch772:You should have Shun enter the zone again sometime. Or have him learn how to enter on his own.

Thats good, hey just for the author, try saying he’s in the zone insead of he is in the zone. he is in the zone sounds a bit coppy. Great read so far

Great_Young_Master:He'll enter again on the Finals against Teiko.

Thats good, hey just for the author, try saying he’s in the zone insead of he is in the zone. he is in the zone sounds a bit coppy. Great read so far

Great_Young_Master:He'll enter again on the Finals against Teiko.

When is the next one comIng its been 4 months


someone say he hate harem ,I want god give him eternal life and see if he don't become crazy after thousand year with only one partner try it . Even you say happy you not . like you stay in earth only you and your love . 2 people in earth and no other . That why need many people . Well I don't say only need only girl ,Man only two or tree like sebas , rimuru maybe ? If you say you don't need other and only your lover is okay , don't be stupid women cannot stay like that they need someone to speak . So if you have 2 or 3 it's normal . Even now many people have many wife (max 4) only . I know it because everyday I buy something in shop I see many guys with their harem (2max everyday I see) so why now many people have harem? you need to see some news . 70% women this world and only 30% man so if you want harem in this world you can just your mind set are not working


mm grammar makes this difficult to read anyhow i would like to somewhat reply to your statement and perhaps others will understand your points better if they read my reply anyways that's not the point from my understanding you are trying to say that people can't go just be with another person for long periods of time which i agree with because it's more or less a general rule that most humans follow that said just because they only have one spouse doesn't mean one can't have other normal friends you know?? spending time with different people should be completely ok unless your relationship is toxic or your spouse is unreasonably jealous so your reasoning on that is a bit skewed that said i also think that what others do in their relationship should not be outsiders problem and they shouldn't interfere after all everyone should be free to make their own choices in whom they do and do not want to be with regardless of the circumstances or number of people in the relationship that should be up to the people involved and no one else thou personally I'm an introvert and the jealous type at that so while i didn't so much mind my ex hanging out with friends and i trusted her i didn't by any means trust the people she called friends ... perhaps that was because her being a bad judge of others but that point aside i actually didn't feel the need to speak to others besides her but i did like my personal time instead so you can't really say all people would do the same

Vitrialia_Amermes:someone say he hate harem ,I want god give him eternal life and see if he don't become crazy after thousand year with only one partner try it . Even you say happy you not . like you stay in earth only you and your love . 2 people in earth and no other . That why need many people . Well I don't say only need only girl ,Man only two or tree like sebas , rimuru maybe ? If you say you don't need other and only your lover is okay , don't be stupid women cannot stay like that they need someone to speak . So if you have 2 or 3 it's normal . Even now many people have many wife (max 4) only . I know it because everyday I buy something in shop I see many guys with their harem (2max everyday I see) so why now many people have harem? you need to see some news . 70% women this world and only 30% man so if you want harem in this world you can just your mind set are not working

who is MC love interest?

Other Reviews

Writing Quality- 5-Stars Stability of Updates - 4-Stars Story Development 2-Star Character Design 1-Star World Backgound 2-Star Okay, so I Think the First two are self explaining so I won't explain my why I set 5-and 4-Stars! Story Development is good and was good but there is no Goal for me in the Novel and I don't get why this Novel exists! So he has 3 wishes , is reincarnated in his Favourite Novel and loses against the Mc's of the Story,....would makes Sense!But!But, what will he do now that he lost against them when they were at their weakest! He loses All the matches in the middle school against Teiko ! So he can never say" I Played against the GOM and won" No, he won't ever be able to do that! My dream would be to beat them in a fair and regular match if I were to reincarnate in my Favourite Novel, that would be everyones Dream! Won't be possible now,aye? Bascially there is nothing for the Mc to do in the Novel , for me atleast ! Maybe Romance but that's it ! The Character makes no Sense as well and he is kinda Stupid! He makes no OP wishes so that it won't be easy but a hard! But now what?? He loses and his whole Peropose for being in that World isn't there anymore ! Like I said before, Why do people love hard games...because it taste even better If you win against your enemy Team If they are good and not Bad! Well doesn't Matter anymore now ,aye? Well, I just end it here, I get really frustated writing this because my Auto correction is driving me insan😠😠😠🥴🥴😵😵 [ My Opinion ] I don't get why you write this ....there is no fun in it, no logic and the only way it can get worse If Riko Aida is going to be his girlfriend !


I probably should put my thoughts on a single comment. 1. Shun team shouldn't be that weak considering that they won the previous championship and have a uncrowned king. So that against the undeveloped Generation of Miracles stomp in the third quarter shouldn't really happen. 2. In the manga, I think their first finals only have a point difference of 30 points but in the third quarter that 4 point lead for Shun's team suddenly became a 26 point difference against his team is a drastic change and a huge especially with the previous noted team. 3. Shun literal lost through a bouncing ball plot. Just what. It's wasn't a special awaken ability from any of the member s. It was just a lucky shot from the guy who's has one of the least amount of experience with a 3 pointer beside Kuroko. I would rather have him lose from non luck special ability awakening than a lucky plot shot. 4. Where's the development?! No special abilities that are unlock or really display of great feats. I thought there would be special awakenings. Like zone or emperor eye or the other abilities that the GOM have from pushing each other and pasting their limits or something but it seems to be just a regular game. 5. I think the comments already said this enough but losing against Teiko now means he can't win for the rest of middle school logically unless you have American team talent next year in Shun's team. This makes it a little infuriating considering the circumstance that is in the game and later down the plot. I know this is your fanfic and I don't know what you plan on doing but I don't think this is a good release.

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