Alright, catchy title if I must say. Synopsis is good too. Umm nice description, you went to the extent of giving your readers a feel of each character's behavior and actions, down to their thoughts. Also nice prologue, like the fact that its a different setting. A nice plot from the regulars. High school cool genius and dumb high school kings who think they are superb. But, I must say you need to work on shortening the paragraphs and though other readers may fancy long chapters, I honestly am not in that category but the school life of the students made it nice to read. This book would need some editing, you need to separate each character's words and not clog them together. But I believe with the more writing and reading, you'd do great. Sorry if I may come of as a critic, I don't mean to be. I am just giving my honest review as some readers may be like me. Cos it would disturb the flow of reading and most readers don't like that. All in all good work author, love your plot and would follow up. Already added to my library. Keep it up.
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LIKEYou should join. I want to add you to a server on discord. It wud also help your writing. You wud get ideas and help and input. Then we do a 2 weeks interval writer's challenge Of 200 words based on your own theme. Then have a judge from webnovel give feedback on our works.
sounds interesting