
Review Detail of Relhak in Paragon of Sin

Review detail


Here's a different type of traditional wuxia/cultivation novel for you. If I could describe it in a sentence, then it would be; "a brutal, grimdark cultivation novel." There's no empathy and it accurately portrays the harsh, competitive environment, where everyone climbs a mountain of bodies in order to fight for resources and get stronger. Everything makes "sense" and the actions of the MC is logical - though brutal at times. The MC is, what you would call, a "villainous" MC, and the reason for the apostrophe is due to the fact that his actions are sometimes necessary, but it also displays his arrogance and dominance as a talent. You really get a feel for his character in the first chapter, and I'll insert a warning here, it can be *very* jarring. You read it, and then think, "No way can this be the MC. He's a total dick." But because he's a dick and not a spineless, dickless MC, unlike many other traditional wuxia novels, it's refreshing - but in a dark and twisted way. Spoiler here; in the first intro, he had just forced a girl of a rival sect to oral sex, and killed her lover in front her, and then killed her once done. Though the oral part is not mentioned explicitly, it can be deducted, and because the story starts of with the females point of view/backstory, it really portrays the harshness and lack of empathy the MC has. You then keep reading, thinking, "no way is this the MC", and then he comes across another character, with MC vibes and you think, "Yes! Finally the 'real' mc and this scumbag gets his justice." But, (un)fortunately, no. This type of twists and turn keeps you reading, slowly getting addicted to the no-nonsense MC, where you slowly get to learn more about him, and his circumstances. With this slow reveal, you unconsciously begin to accept him, root for him, and accept his brutal ways. His lack of empathy in this competitive wuxia workd becomes his strength and makes him "cool." And as if to contrast this, you also slowly begin to realise how deeply flawed other wuxia novels are - they say that it's competitive, but none of their characters in their story takes the same measures. Think about it, if your life is constantly on the ropes, would you have time to go left and right to conquer beauties or spare you rivals? No! You'd use every means at your disposal to gain strength, plot against your rivals/enemies, and further you agenda. This brings me to the second point; the side characters. They are pretty well sculpted, with their own agenda, ideals, and background. As of now, not much is known, but the MC's flashback unveils a larger story and gives more depth to the side characters. If you think the MC's a dick? Wait till you meet enemy/***** nr. 1 - it's damn near chilling what she does to gain strength. There's no right or wrong in this world, only who's weaker or stronger. Might makes right - and in this novel, it does so in the most brutal, no-nonsense, unfiltered kind of way. Dark pleasures, anyone? As of chapter 18, we've been introduced to some superficial side characters, and a few prominent ones - we're still learning more and more of the plot and MC, but not much has been revealed. This brings me to the story progression, I can see that the author is taking the long route; slowly building the characters, their relations, and unveiling a bit of the world a chapter at a time. We don't know why the character wants to become strong or why he's cultivating, though a little has been hinted at his meagre family background that could potentially have plot relevance. As of chapter 18, MC is just a ruthless, overbearing, and prideful mc, but the plot is slowly starting. I find this good, as you need time to adjust to the new paradigm mentality and the circumstances of the MC, and I'm eagerly reading to uncover more about the MC, and thus stumble upon the overarching plot in due time. Lastly, this is a pretty new story, so I'm cautious about predicting update stability. (cont. In comments).

Paragon of Sin


Liked by 234 people




he did not force she made the offer to buy herself more time so her lover could save her .

Relhak:One thing is for sure, this novel is absolutely brilliantly written and well structured. Not too much exposition, clear dialogues, well described action sequences, good plot/story progression, and so forth. This, however, also brings forth a fear - these types of novels take time to write, and even more to plan. Thus, I can foresee the possibility in the future where the release rate would drop to only a chapter or less in the future. My only hope (obi wan kenobi), is that the author keeps the quality - and don't skimp on it to keep the release rate. - and of course doesn't burn out and drops the story completely. Grammar and language is topnotch - nothing much to criticize here. I had no issues immersing myself in the story, and I didn't experience af any point a spelling mistake or wording that broke that immersion. If you really do find something, then congrats, you're officially a grammar-nazi. Overall, I can highly recommend this novel for those who are looking for a fresh, dark, spin on the cultivation trope. Nothing cliche here, no face slapping - only a merciless dog-eat-dog cultivation world. Enjoy!

One thing is for sure, this novel is absolutely brilliantly written and well structured. Not too much exposition, clear dialogues, well described action sequences, good plot/story progression, and so forth. This, however, also brings forth a fear - these types of novels take time to write, and even more to plan. Thus, I can foresee the possibility in the future where the release rate would drop to only a chapter or less in the future. My only hope (obi wan kenobi), is that the author keeps the quality - and don't skimp on it to keep the release rate. - and of course doesn't burn out and drops the story completely. Grammar and language is topnotch - nothing much to criticize here. I had no issues immersing myself in the story, and I didn't experience af any point a spelling mistake or wording that broke that immersion. If you really do find something, then congrats, you're officially a grammar-nazi. Overall, I can highly recommend this novel for those who are looking for a fresh, dark, spin on the cultivation trope. Nothing cliche here, no face slapping - only a merciless dog-eat-dog cultivation world. Enjoy!


kinda like reverse ironman?


i disagree with one thing ......relations with FMC . u need money ....that doesn't mean u abandon your family ,sleeping ,eating,going toilets . basic things needed in every aspect of life . it not like mc is living in a world of poverty of cultivation resorce......that he doesn't have time for beauty and romance . without balance .....it becomes dull and one sided story .


i love this review thank made me decide to give it a go


agree with the review and enjoying the story BUT... the info dumps are ridiculous, the word padding can be crazy at times...


MC is just a ruthless, overbearing, and prideful mc not villainous maybe antihero but he is not Evil. At the beginning he was indeed An anti hero but around 300 chapter he gradually becomes hero like than evil(character development), Author maybe changed his personality b/c the mc is not willing to sacrifice anything(and by anything means anyone who he interact) with to attain power which means that he is not evil but he is still antihero till he sacrificed himself for his bird( pet). An antihero will sacrifice anyone to not "lose" his powers( not obtain but lose) and he is becoming a simp for the elf girl. -aside from this, this novel is gold in every other way. If you like an Mc that ruthless, overbearing, and prideful mc not villainous this is for you. This is my opinion if anyone is opposed to it feel free to correct me to the right path!! -till chapter 400


what is the name of elf girl?

Last_Melody:MC is just a ruthless, overbearing, and prideful mc not villainous maybe antihero but he is not Evil. At the beginning he was indeed An anti hero but around 300 chapter he gradually becomes hero like than evil(character development), Author maybe changed his personality b/c the mc is not willing to sacrifice anything(and by anything means anyone who he interact) with to attain power which means that he is not evil but he is still antihero till he sacrificed himself for his bird( pet). An antihero will sacrifice anyone to not "lose" his powers( not obtain but lose) and he is becoming a simp for the elf girl. -aside from this, this novel is gold in every other way. If you like an Mc that ruthless, overbearing, and prideful mc not villainous this is for you. This is my opinion if anyone is opposed to it feel free to correct me to the right path!! -till chapter 400

I agree


Pues a mi no me gusto , tu eres el autor o que ? Tanto te gusto ? , onda si parece un poco realista si lo pones a pensar , pero no es definitivo , es solo ficcion , no existe , y para mi , me parece como cualquier personaje secundario que esta de villano , es como cualquier cultivador de ese mundo , uno el cual hace lo que sea por ser mas fuerte , entonces , cual es el punto ? Si todos quieren ser fuertes a cualquier costo en ese mundo , entonces cual es el punto del MC ? Si es igual a todos los demas , cual es el punto de ser protagonista ? Cual es el chiste si piensa como todos los demas ? Solo que el puede ser mas inteligente y despiadado , pero , es el unico ? Si asi va en su mundo de cultivo , entonces es uno mas entre mas las personas que son inteligentes y despiadadas de su mundo , no tiene algo que destaque mucho entre los demas , no me gusto , no me engancha , no digo que sea mala la novela , solo doy mi opinion , es diferente a lo que leo , leia muchas novelas y tenia muchas pendientes por leer , las novelas no lo son todo , es cierto que son increibles las novelas de cultivo , pero hay otras cosas en que centrarnos


he isn't a SIMP for the elf girl, their relationship has yet to go any further than friends, heck, both of them respect their relationship as friends. MC does have a rather large harem though it is incredibly well-developed.

GLimmortalV:what is the name of elf girl?

Who is the mc???


I really like this novel and i mostly agree with everything said in this review, still it reeks of opinion, imho if u want to do this work justice u should highlight what it has and doesnt have, not what YOU like about it. cheers


Finally! An evil, truly evil MC! The time of reconning has come! Btw, are all names as painfully Chinese as MC's?


Eso ya es de gusto pero, podria decirse lo mismo de los personajes tipo shounen que son todos buenos en todo momento y terminan cagandola toda en vez de pensar en las consecuencias de sus actos. Pero es de gusto personal... ya mas adelante el mc tiene mas poder para tirarse mas abruptamente a situaciones pero nunca lo hace por hacerlo siempre es con proposito. Pero si mas adelante se pone a salvar a sus compañeros más.

DaoistOQFPi3:Pues a mi no me gusto , tu eres el autor o que ? Tanto te gusto ? , onda si parece un poco realista si lo pones a pensar , pero no es definitivo , es solo ficcion , no existe , y para mi , me parece como cualquier personaje secundario que esta de villano , es como cualquier cultivador de ese mundo , uno el cual hace lo que sea por ser mas fuerte , entonces , cual es el punto ? Si todos quieren ser fuertes a cualquier costo en ese mundo , entonces cual es el punto del MC ? Si es igual a todos los demas , cual es el punto de ser protagonista ? Cual es el chiste si piensa como todos los demas ? Solo que el puede ser mas inteligente y despiadado , pero , es el unico ? Si asi va en su mundo de cultivo , entonces es uno mas entre mas las personas que son inteligentes y despiadadas de su mundo , no tiene algo que destaque mucho entre los demas , no me gusto , no me engancha , no digo que sea mala la novela , solo doy mi opinion , es diferente a lo que leo , leia muchas novelas y tenia muchas pendientes por leer , las novelas no lo son todo , es cierto que son increibles las novelas de cultivo , pero hay otras cosas en que centrarnos

Bro what is your issue with a chinese name. The whole concept of cultivation is part of eastern culture and especially from china. It makes sense that the character names pay homage to the culture it is part of. I think that only just accepting names which is a random Tom or Brady is just pure insensitivity. Please grow up. The whole world doesn't revolve around the west.

John_Johnson_0467:Finally! An evil, truly evil MC! The time of reconning has come! Btw, are all names as painfully Chinese as MC's?

no need for apostrophes on villain the guys a rapist. you literally can't be more villainous than that


Try out the novel. Eradawn: Mythos Unveiled. This is really a great and awesome novel. Truly one of a kind that I believe is unfair for others nit to see. I hope we can all support this novel. You will all love it without a doubt, just give it a chance. I really love this novel, and I think the author has more greater things installed for us. Thanks a lot.


do you think there are differences between chinese writers and other countries' writers in cultivations .for example the cultivation system or eastern culture .thanks~

justanovelfanatic:Bro what is your issue with a chinese name. The whole concept of cultivation is part of eastern culture and especially from china. It makes sense that the character names pay homage to the culture it is part of. I think that only just accepting names which is a random Tom or Brady is just pure insensitivity. Please grow up. The whole world doesn't revolve around the west.

Got addicted to the mc that likes sexually assaulting people because they’re from a rival sect, thanks for the review