The world setting is modern times where a game is played. Random living creatures are selected to become players. The game started 7 months ago when the mc became a player by killing another player (cat) The game consists of three modes, routine quest (Basically daily quests where you can accept or reject without any penalties - randomly given) Scripted quests (Die or do quests, once started, you need to complete it or you will die) And an another one that I can't remember.. Hahha, sorry. It can be multiplayer (With multiple people - random) or alone. MC is very knowledgable and is a wild genius that can build his own weaponary and equipment. The character design is nice, you can definitely see the difference of personalities. Translation Quality: 5 stars - like most novels, totally readable. SoU: 5 star - trial read Story development: 5 stars - concept is nice Character design: 5 stars - already explained World Background: 5 stars - already explained. - (53 chapters read - Im broke, no fast passess)
Liked by 49 people
LIKEThe vampire one is quite good, but gamers are fierce is a better choice cuz it has more development ongoing. The vampire one will only truly shine when there are more chapters.
I know that one, but the thing is, I always read my novels on that one and it will only take several days for it to upload the remaining 20 chapters. And I don't have patience to wait... XD
true I want to read the gamer one but I decided to check out the agent one which is not bad and has a very interesting mc who is a psychopath with 29 psychos in his head but the world setting makes it boring and confusing. Mc is chaotic af and I have mixed feelings abt it overall.
I read the gamers one and it was really good. Mc is really interesting and no sterotypes yet. The world is interesting and it feels like another version of terror infinity (especially the scripted quests). I loved it but chances of it being picked are low.......sigh
Yeah, I actually don't know why webnovel/qidian wants the votes be bought. Like, you need to spend coins (money) to vote. And 20 chapters are locked. Webnovel/qidian are really greedy ffs. basically they want to convey the message that readers don't matter as long as they don't pay up....