Gamers are fierce is a spectacular novel! It has a clever and kinda shameless (not too shameless) Mc who has a good moral code. I really like the way he speaks and his interactions with other characters. It’s funny and it has its serious moments. The story is no slouch either and is interesting and captivating in its own way. Give it a try it’s quite a good one, actually this entire batch of trial reads is amazing! We’ve got the greatest secret agent of all time which is a barrel of laughs, What it’s like Being a Vampire which reads kinda like a published novel and this. It’s hard to say which one I want but if one of these gets dropped then it’s quite a big shame. I want all 3 of these to get picked up but I know that’s not possible heck it’s possible that none of these 3 get’s picked but that’s life. Anyway just try this one out and those other two also, you wouldn’t regret it at all.
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