
Review Detail of Spielmann in From Mortal to Divinity

Review detail


English is not my native Language Your story is great. Reason 1: As Readers you have seen how the MC becomes not only stronger step by step but his charakter is improfing and learning. Reason 2: The Harem is not that the MC is walking a street and the Girls hop in and **** him. It is a journe and logical reasons that you can only say good work. I am a person that hates Harems for the reason that in 99% it is illogical and pure wishfullfilling with BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But in this story great. Reason 3: I think you have a plan and have worked with this. Have unique Characters and most important not only the MC's but most other charakters have depth and are not 2D charakter. The only stronger worlds than DC/Marvel would be Cultivation worlds. Then i don't think DB is stronger, i would say ca. identical +- a handfull^^ Would like to see a little Episode where you would KICK (Ultra Mega Giga Strong ;p) issei from DxD Identical to my Post


From Mortal to Divinity


Liked by 4 people




can you give spoiler of who is in the harem?


Azula(ATLA), Scathach and Morgan (Fate) and that's it. I think that's also all there will ever be as they are already in the endgame, just building their pantheon.

Skyguard:can you give spoiler of who is in the harem?