Hi I'm the author! You know the drill by now. If you've read my previous novel, RotEG then you will know that I've been trying to write a showbiz novel for a while and this can be considered my second crack at it. I'm trying to create a 'King of' series similar to the 'God of' stories. Maybe I'll turn it into a Universe eventually. Things will be slow as my main focus currently is my main story King of Sports so that's something to consider. This is something I've been planning for a while now, so I hope you enjoy. Anyway that's all I've got to say. Goodbye Ignore the shameless 5 star review please don't mind me. P.S, Don't be too brutal and read with an open mind.
Liked by 26 people
LIKEthis is interesting but I just hope MC wont be an idiot or the romance will be some ****ty cliche **** with the chick only loving MC cause he is wealthy or good looking or someone other cliche ****...Maybe not do something cliche....maybe lover could be a writer, MC childhood friend?
I want fl to be an entrepreneur...a self made businesswoman instead of any actress or writer colleague
Hope when you steal taken,transporter, John wick, wolf warrior and the raid that you merge them into one universe Could have it the guy in the raid is related to guy in wolf warrior Could have it beggining scene of transporter is him transporting an item from the continental but as he is leaving John wick is walking past with blood on his shirt. For including taken he visits the french continental for information on his daughter when his friend betrayed him