I'll start with the good. In general, the quality of sentence structure and general upkeep of the novel is quite high. The world background may actually be good, however certain other aspects make it harder to judge. The main character has the annoying tendency to cut off explanations mid way with a standard "WHAT?!??" only to be reprimanded in the same way and resulting in a repeat of the explanation. Repeatedly. Since his only companions are AIs, any chance of emotional response to such actions are cut off as well leaving bland and repetitive actions. Note: Just to be clear, he isn't contributing at all with his interruptions. The author likes to explain the plans in great detail - in many ways too much detail. Why is this a problem? This is because if the details are surrounding something that was already questionable, it just digs the plot hole deeper and deeper when it could otherwise be ignored - and there are a few such holes. [Won't specify which in review, since spoilers. One of the larger holes actually just has to do with money.] When not deepening plot holes, it ends up being a lot of talking in circles since, as specified above, the MC likes to interrupt. Alot. As others have said, it's very slow to make it to the overlap of plots, this, in itself isn't a bad thing, however when the journey is filled with interruptions and repetition to go with a lot of pseudoscience explanation and pseudo justification, it becomes a lot harder to wade through.
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