Well I'm glad you added that futa tag. I'm going to stay away though. Once read a boot up to chapter 150 then they added futas... Never had a tag for it or anything.
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LIKEOn both of what your asking, I don't want to say too much on them, because of spoilers. So, I'll say this; The book is about Character Growth, and that is all I am willing to say. If you're enjoying the book, you'll have to stick around. Futa is in the book but is not forced on. Sorry if that is what you came for, but I thank you for reading it anyway :D
well this will be interesting not many choose to put futa into their novels idrm though curious how this plays out
I know most ppl do mind, but I hope you and everyone still love the story itself. Sure it got lots of things in it, but it's about being free to make your own luck more than anything
Well, not sure why u dont spoil smth like that. If people dont like your answer they won't read it, if they do like it they will read it. Now i won't even bother, because i dont want to waste a lot of time reading something that I will instantly drop if the thing u didnt want to spoil happens. So i rather not even bother with your novel. TLDR: not all spoilers are bad.