Honestly, I've read some pretty bad novels on this website. Novels that are translated so poorly that they look like a third graders macaroni art work. Novels that are basically just one continuous power-trip after another. Novels where the plot flows almost as smoothly as the surface of the moon. Novels that make mistakes in whether they're first or third person perspective, sometimes even switching back and forth to multiple. This novel however, wow. I don't think I've ever read a novel that is literally proud of how often it breaks the fourth wall. That's right ladies and gentlemen, this novel is proud of the fact it breaks the fourth wall. Or rather, the author is proud of it. I got through one chapter, and on the very second chapter, the author decides "I should start talking directly to the reader because that's not gonna ruin immersion at all". Oh but that's not all, it's not just the author talking directly to the reader to break immersion. The author, in their infinite wisdom, thought it was a good idea to not only talk directly to the reader breaking immersion, but they also decided to do it while TALKING DOWN TO THEM.
Liked by 9 people
LIKEI think you wrote the review for the wrong novel because I completely disagree. There weren't any such 'breaking the fourth wall' when I read it. At least it wasn't noticeable enough. As for 'talking down' to readers? That might just be a matter of opinion but I think the author does a brilliant job of descriptions and world building. It flows really well actually! Even if the situations here are as you have described, please provide an example or a reference.