2020-12-01 12:32

1 year with no news on his condition or even an activity, well his dead fam hey if u still alive answer me are u still want to writing ur stories or not

Liked by 37 people


1 year hiatus is pretty long....Anyway! How about you drop into my work real quick? You might like it, read it and tell me what you think


A vicious buisnessman

TediousHamster:1 year hiatus is pretty long....Anyway! How about you drop into my work real quick? You might like it, read it and tell me what you think

this storys amazing I've never read a monster system hope you keep updating for a long time


woah what a turn, it was pretty unexpected so I'll look if your work catches ne

TediousHamster:1 year hiatus is pretty long....Anyway! How about you drop into my work real quick? You might like it, read it and tell me what you think

nah family, not enough chaps

TediousHamster:1 year hiatus is pretty long....Anyway! How about you drop into my work real quick? You might like it, read it and tell me what you think

not family, but fam

TediousHamster:1 year hiatus is pretty long....Anyway! How about you drop into my work real quick? You might like it, read it and tell me what you think

updated three days ago


Just updated (6-1-22)

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