what can be said about a work of 400+ chapters in which bed scenes are best described? nothing good. most of the events that would be worth describing occur according to the template: "we need to do something > the following sentence already says that the main character has traveled for some time, collected a harem and done things. then one lemon chapter. the next chapter describes how he gets a boost from the air. and so in a circle" a whole bunch of mistakes in the narration of the similarity, he or someone from his entourage learned something / entered a new sphere, etc. and after a few dozen chapters and a certain amount of time they do the same with the same kingdom or skill. getting girls and going to bed pleasures is far-fetched, in most cases it is not justified. the characters are like dolls, all similar to each other. the absence of any acceptable description of the world around the hero and characters. I finished reading hoping that well, maybe in this arch I will be able to see due to what the work has a score of 4.6? but in the end, either the spermataxic students evaluated it that way. or the estimates were screwed up by bots. I have no more ideas explaining such an assessment.
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