really great story, it starts off a little slow. but once it hits its strides its an amazing experince, there a few archs in the story that are all eciting and help advance the story in a natural way. with the exceptuon of a few mistakes here and there that in no way deminsh the story i highly recomnd it. magic ✅ sowrds ✅ op mc ✅ intreging events ✅ fun adventures ✅ loot✅ power ups ✅ world shaking events ✅ haram ✅ what else can u ask for. go read now.
Liked by 32 people
LIKEYeah this book WAS great. It started off slow but then it got really good and kept going till it pass 1000 chapters mark then everything went down hill, now it's like drinking water when you're already full. It bland, tastless, and extremely disappointing I really the author will work on this but then again tht is unlikely because DIVINITY was the same thing. But nevertheless I can only hope my thoughts reach you and you do something. stay loved and prosper
its defently an amazing story, but as u said there was a drop after a scertin pont, loss of dirction maybe after new realm. hope it gies back tho, am always hopibg.