An excellent premise marred by a terrible cast. A more generic MC would do this story a world of good. Instead, our MC complains constantly, is his little sister's whipping boy, and even after he outpaces her, is still manipulated by her and mildly poisoned for her amusement over pretty revenge. The author constantly treats this sister as the upcoming female lead. The best character is the sister's rival, who gets next to no time in the story other than to show the sister's tsundere desire for her brother. The sister is abusive, manipulative and petty. Her only redeeming qualities are her physical looks, which are common as sand on a beach in this genre for a female lead. The father and mother are quick only to believe their daughter over their son, who was historically honest with them and gave no reason to believe her over him. The story in the picket dimension is good and a solid 4 star story, but the rest of the cast and time outside the pocket dimension is miserable, or corny at best. The translation quality is acceptable, but for native English readers has some major speed bumps that make it feel like a machine translation. The grammar and word choice can be rough from chapter to chapter. This set of errors is so common that the comments have made it a reader meme. Overall, I do not suggest this story. The free chapters are okay to bad, and the paid ones are more of the same. Spend your passes and coins elsewhere!
Liked by 110 people
LIKEand to tell the truth, it gets worse ... at least in the first chapters, if we can bear the faults you mentioned, there appear a certain number of memorable badass passages. but thereafter, the chapters are shortened and the story no longer advances ... I find it sad that a story that was relatively interesting in these first 60 chapters, lose all these qualities to keep only the faults.
wow, thank you for the review. I personally don't like mc that are doormats to girls. Idk why but it almost seems like 'a boy submissive to a girl' is trend or something. In almost every novel, the mc would probably face slap, trash arrogant male villains but their are rarely any girls that are trashed. *sigh* Forgot about villains, even mc's girl~'friends' would be over possessive of him.
True ,I quite like the story and the main characters cheat but everytime he gets beaten by female,first his sister (blackmail, beating etc),then his teacher (for getting stronger faster than her,his teacher is a drunkard of all things) and he ignores or doesn't pay much attention to his sister's best friend who for me is the best character (she was about to die,but mc saved her,she cooks for him, doesn't get jealous etc) the mc spills his cheat to the higher up and gives resources to others when he is weak.First 60 chapters were good and after that the quality went down.