
Review Detail of IOnlyEatDinner in Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Review detail


If judging by translations alone, I would give this a 4 star, but the story itself sucks a lot. This fanfic is originally written in chinese, so you cqn bet your ass that there'll be a lot of chinese cliché. - MC starts out as "trash" and "cripple" then became strong after 40 chapters. - He got Ddraig and Albion, combining their powers, but still gets steamrolled quite a lot. - With his power basically revolving around sacred gears, after getting Albion from Vali, Vali develops his "sacred gear canceller" skill and proceeds to steamroll the MC. - He got many sacred gears along with combined Ddraig and Albion but still couldn't defeat Cao Cao who only has "true longinus". The author has the tendency to make the MC thousands times weaker than he should be just so he would lose fights he wasn't supposed to lose and lengthen the story for "comebacks". Then after those setbacks, MC doesn't really care about his loss for more than 2 chapters. I suppose this fanfic could be added to "barely better than ****" like every other chinese-written fanfics I've read. Only good fanfic of that category is "Unlimited Machine War" in which the author is actually someone with great imagination along with great knowledge of the stories he was writing fan fictions of, and doesn't need ass-pulls to keep his story going.

Endless Plunder in High School DxD


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Totally agree with you, all the chinese novels are like that, well most of them, and is really annoying, seriously he couldn't beat cao cao using divine dividing plus boosted gear combo?? besides sepiroth graal is OP enough too, basically making the mc inmortal, removing someone's weakness as much as posible, even being able of recreate scail mail from issei just by scanning his soul plus all the sacred gears he gets, is haré vali could canceló all of them, i mean You need to have a strong body to get not only two but dozens of sacred gears Sigh hate this chinese logic bro :(


I didn't read this fanfic so I don't have an opinion about it, but I wanted to leave my opinion about yours that Chinese fanfic is garbage. I agree with you about that, but I just wanted to speak here to defend a unique Chinese fanfic that not only I loved, but also for me it is the only multiverse fanfic that worked, which is the grand shoujo summon, not to mention that the ending shows a perfect explanation of why the MC went to the other world.


Shoujo Grand Summoning, Holistic Fantasy, Illimitable Until Death, and Summoner of Miracles are all written by the same author. They do have their weak parts but the overall quality is good compared to most. The author is a genuine otaku. I don't know if it's the difference in culture, but most chinese fanfics feels off to read, most of the time the only good thing about them is the way they release chapters consistently. In the worst case scenario, you'll see a CN fanfic set in japan/us and it's filled with annoying propagandas and bashing of those said countries.

Pervert_In_Net:I didn't read this fanfic so I don't have an opinion about it, but I wanted to leave my opinion about yours that Chinese fanfic is garbage. I agree with you about that, but I just wanted to speak here to defend a unique Chinese fanfic that not only I loved, but also for me it is the only multiverse fanfic that worked, which is the grand shoujo summon, not to mention that the ending shows a perfect explanation of why the MC went to the other world.

well, you know how China is, there is no freedom there the whole country is tightly controlled by the government, anything they write that displeases the government can not only lead to death but also the enslavement of their family, so the creative freedom of guys is very limited.

IOnlyEatDinner:Shoujo Grand Summoning, Holistic Fantasy, Illimitable Until Death, and Summoner of Miracles are all written by the same author. They do have their weak parts but the overall quality is good compared to most. The author is a genuine otaku. I don't know if it's the difference in culture, but most chinese fanfics feels off to read, most of the time the only good thing about them is the way they release chapters consistently. In the worst case scenario, you'll see a CN fanfic set in japan/us and it's filled with annoying propagandas and bashing of those said countries.

begone thot don't spread your lolicon rapist novel into this website & further smear the already bsd reputation of chinese webnovel

Pervert_In_Net:I didn't read this fanfic so I don't have an opinion about it, but I wanted to leave my opinion about yours that Chinese fanfic is garbage. I agree with you about that, but I just wanted to speak here to defend a unique Chinese fanfic that not only I loved, but also for me it is the only multiverse fanfic that worked, which is the grand shoujo summon, not to mention that the ending shows a perfect explanation of why the MC went to the other world.


Alfha_Robby:begone thot don't spread your lolicon rapist novel into this website & further smear the already bsd reputation of chinese webnovel

The mc raped the first 2 girls he got, all because they were depressed which they try to stop him but he poured them some paralyzing powder and proceeds to do it. And he's kinda pathetic, he can't even control his girls much less himself.


I signed in 80 years in the cold palace is doing good cultivation and no lengthy am your daddy dialogue and have good English


so basically ...a good plot destroyed by a idiot author ?


Lol I know it's the Divine Dividing sacred gear, but dividing and cancelling are two different concepts. It's like Ddraig's boosting suddenly turning into increasing the strength to the max limit of the world for no reason. Not to mention if Albion had the ability to cancel God's abilities, he wouldn't be in a sacred gear in the first place.


What I'm saying is.. Very massive spoiler alert. The MC took the divine dividing away from Vali, and using that bs, Vali got the sacred gear cancelling devil powers, and proceeds to make the MC useless. and this MC who went on a "shounen journey" to take other people's sacred gear becomes useless according to how the author wants him to be. Like he couldn't even defeat Caocao despite methaporically having more "ammunition" than him and with different sacred gears, he basically should have been so versatile that he's so hard to deal with, yet he lost so tragically and pathetically.. questionably at that. He just lost because the author wants him to lose. Yeah, it's all about the author's whims, throw logical questions and scenarios out of the window.

AzureConqueror:Lol I know it's the Divine Dividing sacred gear, but dividing and cancelling are two different concepts. It's like Ddraig's boosting suddenly turning into increasing the strength to the max limit of the world for no reason. Not to mention if Albion had the ability to cancel God's abilities, he wouldn't be in a sacred gear in the first place.

Why did I even bother saying spoiler alert when this review itself is a spoiler. Well, whatever, I wrote this review long ago anyways, I just got triggered by that one reply.

IOnlyEatDinner:What I'm saying is.. Very massive spoiler alert. The MC took the divine dividing away from Vali, and using that bs, Vali got the sacred gear cancelling devil powers, and proceeds to make the MC useless. and this MC who went on a "shounen journey" to take other people's sacred gear becomes useless according to how the author wants him to be. Like he couldn't even defeat Caocao despite methaporically having more "ammunition" than him and with different sacred gears, he basically should have been so versatile that he's so hard to deal with, yet he lost so tragically and pathetically.. questionably at that. He just lost because the author wants him to lose. Yeah, it's all about the author's whims, throw logical questions and scenarios out of the window.


IOnlyEatDinner:Why did I even bother saying spoiler alert when this review itself is a spoiler. Well, whatever, I wrote this review long ago anyways, I just got triggered by that one reply.

Who can you give me the name of the author

IOnlyEatDinner:Shoujo Grand Summoning, Holistic Fantasy, Illimitable Until Death, and Summoner of Miracles are all written by the same author. They do have their weak parts but the overall quality is good compared to most. The author is a genuine otaku. I don't know if it's the difference in culture, but most chinese fanfics feels off to read, most of the time the only good thing about them is the way they release chapters consistently. In the worst case scenario, you'll see a CN fanfic set in japan/us and it's filled with annoying propagandas and bashing of those said countries.