2020-04-10 06:50

The idea of having the MC perusing immortality is okay, however the MC is borderline stupid in how he acts, "My only goal is perusing IMMORTALITY, and **** everyone and everything", basing the whole MC on only his goal makes him bland and non relatable in any possible way. You cannot see him with any of the OG characters simply because you first thoughts would be how will he **** them, kill them, or manipulate them to advance his "ohh so precious goals".

Liked by 28 people


His goal is immortality. But he already has a plan after that... but i kind of don't want to spoil the ending soooo yeah.... by the way.... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 why leave such a bad review my friend... ...Just joking around... anyway the MC's personality is based in a way that it is realistic and he needs that type of personality to be able to survive in the naruto world where only the extremly lucy ninja or ninja with a sharingan, or a nine tailed fox can survive. It is true that the MC has an unnatural fear of death but the way that he experiences it is different from the other novels. He didn't see a hot Goddess or anything like that, he only saw a monster who looked straight out of cthulhu that tried to eat him. Anyway this just isn't to your tastes bro....


Also low key.... fu*k you for leaving such a low star review.... 😑.... 🤣🤣🤣 I am just messing around it is your opinion and your tastes on stories. Anyway have a good day and I hope you find a story to your tastes that can help you get through this coronavirus sh*t.... Hey can we at least both agree that we hate Boruto AND Coronavirus... 😁😁😁😁


yeah u know realism isnt just edge and gloom lowkey love ur shit man


bro pero hay que dejar en claro que se necesita equilibrar la oscuridad con algo de luz, puede que ese mundo necesite su crueldad pero no significa que deba reprimir totalmente sus sentimientos y emociones para hacer lo que sea necesario para llegar a ser inmortal, porque igual cual sera la gracia de ser inmortal si lo unico que veras es a las demas personas disfrutar de sus cortas vidas y morir, sintiendo mas emociones de los que el sentira en toda su vida inmortal. y no vengas con eso de que luego de llegar a ser inmortal buscara su felicidad, porque cuando el llegue a esa meta quien sabe cuanto tiempo habra vivido de manera cruel, manipuladora y cuantos sacrificios habra cometido para llegar a esa meta solo, nunca podra volver a ver de otra forma que no sea manipuladora y calculadora a los demas, porque todos o son utiles, beneficiosos, inutiles o peligrosos para el, cuando quieras hacer que tu personaje comience a sentir emociones se sentira tan antinatural porque el nunca fue asi, nunca busco sentimientos y emociones en mujeres y tampoco deseo tener seres queridos asi que el unico final que veo que tendra el MC seria quedarse solo en la cima durante la eternidad.

HolyJoker:His goal is immortality. But he already has a plan after that... but i kind of don't want to spoil the ending soooo yeah.... by the way.... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 why leave such a bad review my friend... ...Just joking around... anyway the MC's personality is based in a way that it is realistic and he needs that type of personality to be able to survive in the naruto world where only the extremly lucy ninja or ninja with a sharingan, or a nine tailed fox can survive. It is true that the MC has an unnatural fear of death but the way that he experiences it is different from the other novels. He didn't see a hot Goddess or anything like that, he only saw a monster who looked straight out of cthulhu that tried to eat him. Anyway this just isn't to your tastes bro....

And Boku no pico. Even the Daedra hate boku no pico !

HolyJoker:Also low key.... fu*k you for leaving such a low star review.... 😑.... 🤣🤣🤣 I am just messing around it is your opinion and your tastes on stories. Anyway have a good day and I hope you find a story to your tastes that can help you get through this coronavirus sh*t.... Hey can we at least both agree that we hate Boruto AND Coronavirus... 😁😁😁😁
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