The premise is a mc who is a killer n arsonist and goes into game and becomes a tailor and makes undergarments for women... Coincidentally meets only women and tries to befriend them all so he can hook up with stuff....i read that the first 30chapters are like that amd after that comes the real i have to put myself read all that harem **** ? No thanks...either delete them or use them as a separate story lol...
Liked by 8 people
LIKEStop following me and getting butthurt from my opinion....the author himself acknowledged the first 30chapters are for fun...go home virgin boy and read as much harem **** u like...i dont care about opinion
I don't know Thrakis and I don't know Boov. MC does meet a lot of female characters early and does try to hook up with all of them. But it makes sense, this is a guy that's been on trial for presumably awhile and has had limited female contact. Thrakis seems to be an idiot attacking you for having an opinion that he doesn't share. He flirts with a lot of the female characters he meets throughout the story but doesn't hook up with all of them not even most of them. There are many male characters as well.
Well man thats my point...and i simply dont like harem so i stopped reading and thought the rating is too high thats all...but the dude above u has issues ...xD
Its fine if u dont like the novel, but the rating is high because people think the book is good. You making a review to lower the rating just because you dont like harem is scummy.