The main character is a complete idiot who draws so much attention to themselves acts intentionally anti social drives people away and than act as if he’s constantly lonely. WTF is the point of even considering bringing a gun in to a fantasy novel when the main character is already starting to be an over powered genius. The fact the mc doesn’t give a **** is cool but what does it amount to him beating up a few people and suddenly having a relationship with Hermione. GUNS DONT BELONG IN HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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LIKEIt feels like it's written by one of those people that unironically talks about helping people take the red pill over the internet. Also, J.K rowling said guns arent affective on wizards since their bodies are strong enough that bullets get stopped before they can reach anything vital, so he really shouldn't use guns. It feels like he's trying his best to make the protagonist 'cool'
I’m at chapter 75 and can remember Harry only using his gun once. It became a useless object when Harry became obsessed with “research, learning, and training” because he is “too weak.” I don’t remember another time he used his gun because of the sheer volume of filler the author has. I don’t even know what the original plot line was anymore. It’s just “must do this to beef myself up, but never use it because I am too weak” or “must fluff with Hermione and other girls, so all others will be removed.”
He's harry potter, he has attention on him anyways. I never got the impression that he was feeling lonely like that, at most annoyed at how people where acting towards him, that wouldn't have changed with him being sociable. The gun part seems more a personal issue and though I would call him a genius, at that time he wasn't OP. Another comment talk about him never using it but he hasn't been in a proper fight bar the troll, putting in useless fights just to bring up this gun that he has really outgrown is just pointless. I personally enjoyed it being in the because it is good to be prepared but guns(besides making them) aren't that interesting (especially to write or read about).
Ignoring all that, lets think about where and how he got that gun considering Harry Potter takes place in the UK where their Police don't even have guns.