2019-05-28 13:39

I don’t understand what people like about gender bender? It adds nothing to the story and it’s widly disliked. It’s similar to adding NTR into a novel, nobody likes it and you’re not doing anyone any favours by adding it in.

Liked by 5 people


Ehm, so do you still read it? What this gender~bender bring for the novel. Or it have nothing to do, just for people to feel uncomfortable? Cuz, I'm really don't like a prospect reading of ex~guy have relationships with man. Yuri even more bland, though.


Just like some people who have NTR fetish (not me 🤢) others may like gender bender cuz it adds a twist on things. I’m ok with gender bender as long as they don’t get into a relationship with another dude (gayyyyy) cuz it’s interesting to see how a guy reacts in a girls body.

Other Reviews

Just read my comments in the first three chapters to find out. Basically the mc is supposed to be this super genius that dismantled and rebuilt society on a merit based system, that makes me think. 'Oh you are a pedo? Oh but you are super smart? Hired!' Don't really know why. And he has mentioned actually killing before and leading basically terrorists, just think of a ripoff Code geass. He took it upon himself to gather all the hatred when he is the one that rebuilt society so the truly talented and determined can rise? Why is he so hated then? Even if he took all the hatred people thinking he is a terrorist. In a mere few years hostility will resume, I have no doubt of that, since at most internet terrorism has occurred, no mentions of actual terrorism so dunno. So yeah it isn't like Lelouch where he played the part of a manipulative ego maniac that ruled Britannia and he was killed by 'Zero' with someone they think as a savior peace might last a bit longer. Naive thinking for a supposed super genius no? Another thing when he died and was somehow chosen for some BS eternal being he didn't question it at all. Like sure he asked why but that's it. He acted like an over excited **** and all. Nothing like someone so closely based off of Lelouch, who should be cunning cold and calculating. Next the eternal being already said find companions as he goes journeying the multiverse. What does the MC do? Wishes for a companion. Saves a wish, then wishes the companion to have a body when HE IS NIGH OMNIPOTENT. basically godlike. Oh and some sprinkles of annoying stuff, misspelled word or two and a short word count per chapter with the only reason being 3 to 4 chapters long is the many spaces in between. But I digress, A good 70 to 90 percent of WB readers, especially fanfiction, will read just about anything regardless of grammar or plotholes. Just to be nice I'll give him 3 stars. This is my early review for this fic. -Yours truly, Asura.

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