
Review Detail of WiLeYBiGhEaD in Golden Dawn (Naruto X Justice League)

Review detail


Not my cup of tea. However many will really like this novel and will be drawn to this style. The writing quality is very good for a fanfic. After 10 chapters i saw very few grammatical errors. The story concept is interesting but I found its delivery to be a mix of good and bad. My first issue is the lack of worldbuilding. The author tries to tell the story from primarily Narutos perspective but also writes in a way that asumes the reader already knows everything about the DC universe and characters while providing them sometimes with exposition for introductions. Many of the characters he meets arent introduced at all or are introduced through exposition rather than narutos interactions with them. I.e. we are told about Shay Veritas by the author rather than dialouge with Kara who is taking naruto to her at the time. Also, i would have almost no idea what anyone looks like without googling their appearance. My next point is contrary to what many are saying about the main character and progression of the story. I find this to be inconsistent. Sometimes naruto acts like the original character, then he acts mature sometimes, clever sometimes, and dense other times. It may be just the beginning of the story as i have only read 10 chapters, but i really dont see how others find this naruto to be consistently genuine. It is not bad and i have seen way worse. But it just does not feel like naruto which is also tied to the progression of the story. It is to fast. The story completely glosses over the emotional aspects of what the mc and others are going through. I.e. surprise, narutos mom kushina comes back to life from narutos soul. Their reunion is only a couple of paragraphs without any serious dialogue. No Kushina asking where they are, how she came back to life, etc. This is supposed to be something incredibly emotional for the mc and kushina but instead of a scene that shows this, we get kushina trying to set up naruto with the first two girls she sees. Then naruto turns around and promises to bring karas parents back to life for no reason. There is a disconnect between what we are told about the characters and how they actually act. Overall, thus story has promise but I wont be continuing. For some, the issues i listed wont bother them much and others will say that i am nitpicking. But for me, the lack of worldbuilding, inconsistent mc, and the pace of the story with more exposition than necessary while glossing over important events are simply not a cup of tea i want to continue with.


Golden Dawn (Naruto X Justice League)


Liked by 13 people




Thanks for the honest review. Man, if someone had pointed these at the start then I might have already covered them. I agree with your words. Maybe I will fix them later.


you should rewrite what u can tho

EternalBliss4U:Thanks for the honest review. Man, if someone had pointed these at the start then I might have already covered them. I agree with your words. Maybe I will fix them later.