Please write a comment if you wish to read more about this story. The story is a bit different compared to most of the stories here in Webnovel.
Liked by 31 people
LIKEI am the author. I didnt like the people in stories online so I totally stopped posting there. I originally wrote this story on my Wattpad account. You can post a reply on my storiesonline account. I'll reply to you there as well. Pm me your id there so I'd know who to look for. :)
rolas:are you the author or did you just copy it from storiesonline?
Thanks for looking out for my story. :) I stopped posting in SOL because the people there are simply not nice. They're super demanding and really rude. They act like they're paying me to write my story. Got tons of harrassing emails and messages there demanding that I should post this or I should add that. They even flooded my FB account. So I figured I'll just simply stop posting there completely.
BSGxOziro:I was about to ask the same thing
On hold. A web publisher contacted me a few months ago and offered a possible deal. We are currently discussing if they'll buy the rights for this story of if they're going to commission me to make a new one. The stipulation is that I have to stop publishing on free sites while the negotiations are on-going.
ElderDragon:Hiatus, busy or dropped? Didn't get any update from you.
Nice to hear from you. Good luck on your negotiation.
HellionPrime:On hold. A web publisher contacted me a few months ago and offered a possible deal. We are currently discussing if they'll buy the rights for this story of if they're going to commission me to make a new one. The stipulation is that I have to stop publishing on free sites while the negotiations are on-going.
Thank you. Honestly my heart is not into it. I want to write the story in my own terms. Thats what I love about this kinds of free websites. I can post what I like. But the moment that I start charging for the story, well thats when I start to lose control over it. But life sucks and money makes the world go around. A guy like me cant afford all the nice things in life so I have to make do with what we have, to live. ^^
ElderDragon:Nice to hear from you. Good luck on your negotiation.
Just wondering you said your a evil author but your not the type of monster to ntr your MC right Cus that’s not cool Right after you said you were evil you said we all will get a stress free read well the evil author thing kinda stresses me out for the worry of ntr
HellionPrime:I am the author. I didnt like the people in stories online so I totally stopped posting there. I originally wrote this story on my Wattpad account. You can post a reply on my storiesonline account. I'll reply to you there as well. Pm me your id there so I'd know who to look for. :)
Nah. I dont do NTR.
CliffkunLolRekt:Just wondering you said your a evil author but your not the type of monster to ntr your MC right Cus that’s not cool Right after you said you were evil you said we all will get a stress free read well the evil author thing kinda stresses me out for the worry of ntr