Foxteller has 2000+ chapters of this story translated and it’s almost completed. The Webnovel translated one will take forever to catch up! Just go to Foxteller to read!
Liked by 31 people
LIKEFoxteller’s translation is well written and completely understandable. They are about to finish the story in a few months, but if you would rather wait for Webnovel to take years to translate this novel WHILE paying for the 1000+ locked chapters then be my guest. 😇 You have the freedom to do as you please, I was merely giving everyone an alternate to Webnovel’s translations.
Luiz_H:Yeah but Foxteller's translation is much worse. I advise on waiting for this one which is done by someone who actually knows the english language.
Well, if you just don't want to pay for the author's work, just go to one of those pirate sites and stop whining here, Foxteller's unauthorized translation is no good, with a lot of misspellings and bad grammar, an obvious ******* work.
WORLD_GALAXY:Foxteller’s translation is well written and completely understandable. They are about to finish the story in a few months, but if you would rather wait for Webnovel to take years to translate this novel WHILE paying for the 1000+ locked chapters then be my guest. 😇 You have the freedom to do as you please, I was merely giving everyone an alternate to Webnovel’s translations.