I won't go for a shameless 5 star rating because of my eeny peeny tiny conscience, I am trying my level best so that there are no info dumps and fillers ( because I was one of those who cursed other authors for such things) but it's been quite hard without them, since this is my very first publication I'll give my very best to provide quality content, though for the initial chapters the word content will only range between 1000-1500, but please give me some time so that I can be more confident in my writing skills and can better plan and write those events in the subsequent chappies.I don't care about those constructive or destructive criticism, as long as any mistakes in my writing skills, slang and typos are pointed out, all types of criticism are welcome
Liked by 9 people
LIKEUmm, if you have read other system novels then you must know the fact that any user of a system will become pretty powerful. And the following are the difference between my novel and other novels with a system in it: 1) My MC doesn't possess a system, neither does his companions 2) I would gradually reveal about the uses of a system, it's inception, creation, etc, further into the novel ( I would only introduce them in the last couple of chapters in volume 1- chapter 30,31...) 3) Nothing feels broken 4) all of my plot is based on the fact that if my fiction becomes reality then my plot is within it's scope of common knowledge and range of operations 5) in my novel, the systems are just another species ( not some convenient tool which exists inside a person ) There are other factors too, but I won't mention them at present because I don't want to spoil the plot. So, in my story, the system is kind of like an organism just like a human, it may be strong, it may be weak, it may be smart, etc ( just like how even in our mass produced gadgets, some have circuit problems, or there may be differences in the metal purity in the wires, chips, transistors, capacitors, etc leading to a difference in performance, life, etc) In conclusion: I don't want to lose a valuable reader, so if you could please be patient, I would gradually reveal everything. Thanks for your comment 😊