Review time Writing quality= Your sentences are not that good and really hard to read, i guess that english is not your first language. Update schedule=is fast but it takes away your writing quality and i think your quality can improve by writing less chapter lets say quality before quantity. Story development= all over the place really hard to follow what is going on Character design= i did not get that far in the story but the beginning was very confusing to me How did he die and why did he die those things are very important in most novels and i didn’t really get an idea what his backstory was World design= it is an Naruto fan fiction Naruto has an enormous world and history and i really didn’t see any in this novel it is as if he is just thrown in this world without any backstory and a few support character who have a little to no background Overall= It is not very good but i think you can improve by putting some time in writing a single chapter before the second. And reading some english written books by english writers and look how they make their sentences. A editor can help you in the long run by correcting the things you overlook it happens to everyone even the best. But the best tip i can give you is to keep writing and enjoy what you do that is the fastest way to improve your writing Well that was a long review i would like to say i can’t write for **** so at least you’re better than me and ignore some comments who try to put you down Reviewer out ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ)
Liked by 103 people
LIKEYour review on the story is quite well formulated but please keep in mind that they might be a inspiring author and this might be their first time writing, but I can see that this isn't commented maliciously but to help them. Keep up the good reviewing habit there and you could get a job in reviewing.
Doesnt matter if ones just starting out or not you post your story online expect to get a honest blunt review dont coddle people and expect them to not turn out spoiled and warped be honest blunt and straightforward in a review if the author cant handle the truth then they shouldnt write simple as that writeing is the same as any other job and hobby wana be a painter expect people to tel, you what they think and take it as it is a review dont complain to others when you ask for there opinion then dont like it dont put shiz in the open then expect only flowers and cotton candy worlds not gona coddle you and hold your hand and give you participation awards just for wearing your pjs to the game
"inspiring author" should be new/young/up-and-coming author
This sir right here has culture . Dear writer this person gave you what other writers need. Well structured feedback with ways to fix small to large problems to learn from, and to finish it off he even gave positive reinforcement to help keep you motivated. The internet needs more people like him.