Leaving bad review because it left a really bitter taste in my mouth how erza confessed and they got together and then author went back and redid to chapters getting rid of that it completely ruined my hype for new chapters.
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LIKEits not that I want a harem I don't like the fact that he deleted the mc's and erzas relationship but if it was a harem it wouldn't be hard to get around the pieces mira would get the queen piece because she was there first and has been around the longest just like other books have a first wife or something similar
Or he could take inspiration for the person that had literally this same exact problem with the evil pieces which is issei when he got his own peerage and he gave the queen to the most well rounded/strongest person because they would get the most benefit from the queen piece either way there are plenty of ways to avoid harem conflict and make it work if the author wanted to have a harem