I really loved the concept of the story, and at first I was power reading this for hours, always checking for the latest chapter, super excited for news about it, etc etc, but...at some point I wasn't reading it because I enjoyed the story anymore so much as...I felt obligated too? I invested so much time into it that I didn't want to drop it without reaching the end, but I couldn't do it. The story was too illogical, plot holes the size of Texas was everywhere, and I couldn't even get into the hype at the epic moments since I didn't really comprehend it and it's greatness. I'm thankful for the editors and translators who worked on this, but there are a lot about this story that's..iffy? For example, and this isn't necessarily the author's fault since I'm not part of his target audience I suppose as I'm not Chinese, but part of the appeal of this is supposed to be the awesome fights that spans time and space, how famous emperors and generals of different time periods clash wits and might! YOUTH! BLOD BOILING BATTLES! THE SPIRIT OF CONQUEST! but it's honestly pretty lack luster when you haven't a clue who the hell these people are lol "General blah blah blah" did this! King ___ did that! Honestly, so many names I can't even tell who is who anymore and at this point I'm like "Cool bro, good for you..?" Also I was hoping to see more battle of wit, but honestly the plans and schemes aren't that complicated and the enemies aren't logical I've read like 500+ chapters on my phone not logged in, so many it's addressed later..but....I'm used to turning off my blame when reading on this site but these plot holes are so...annoying? Plot hole # 1. With the rate of conversion of money to in game gold, there is literally no way that the 6 families or the top 1% aren't insanely richer than Ouyang, The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer, poverty charges interest you know. They have such a insanely huge gap. Not to mention other bull**** resources they have. Plot hole # 2. The actual game mechanics are idiotic, and the only reason why everything hasn't collapsed is because nobody is exploiting these loopholes/obvious game mechanics. You can fucking teleport. I don't think people understand how insane that is in a war fare simulation game. YOU CAN TELEPORT YOUR FUCKING ARMY. siege warfare would literally be impossible? Armies can pop up anywhere and in any direction along with supplies, which you can buy from a magical teleporting store. Seriously? If they don't specifically block you, you can teleport your army into your allies base then over run them from the inside, how has this not happened yet? Plot hole # 3, the A.I obviously isn't a perfectly neutral entity. -minor spoiler alert, cue scenes with his sister- Plot hole # 4, they are in cabins which can allow their cultivation in game to transfer to their unconscious body because in case there are hostile aliens on the planet they are going to...Why not have everyone's body be conditioned of the highest cultivation they can have if it's for everyone's survival? It's not like they'll learn it since they are unconscious of it, they'll just have a stronger body...Also Guns and other weapons are a thing, none of what we've seen from the cultivations surpasses hot weaponry. Plot hole # 5 The behavior patterns of the A.I is also illogical? You're taking people from Bronze Age and then telling them to form tactics and plans against modern men? Also why is everyone sticking to the old and traditional old school china government and talking? How do you even know about it besides old dramas?! And when they land on the planet, supposedly you get to keep the AI which you got in game in a robot body and then...sent out into groups randomly to carve out your own piece of lands...? Why? What? They have a united government in that world, but that's their plan? Plot hole #6 Why not just kill your enemies? They get reverted to level 1...I mean that doesn't mean jack **** for those who are just commanders or the rich families, but its not like they'd die for real (Not that morals really ever stopped any MC from killing his enemies), but it would be a big hit, or locking them up so they can't respawn! like god, come on, why kill them then let them respawn and come back for vengeance?! Also why is there magic and other crap in this when the idea is to train people for survival in the new world? When it's supposed to be a test of leadership and skills. Why ancient setting? How the hell do you know what those people would've been like? On what premise is the super AI making these lesser AI?
Liked by 33 people
LIKEWow, you just sold me ~Right Off~ reading this novel. Those bullet points alone would have driven me up a wall in every chapters comments section. And I know what you mean by "reading out of obligation", it's a bad habit when waiting for other stories to build up to binge read other sub-par novels just to fill in the time.
Imagine you and me reading this novel....and recalling the rage-inducing vibes that emit from the Reincarnation of the Strongest Bullsh*tter. Thank god I read this review.
ThrustThunder:Wow, you just sold me ~Right Off~ reading this novel. Those bullet points alone would have driven me up a wall in every chapters comments section. And I know what you mean by "reading out of obligation", it's a bad habit when waiting for other stories to build up to binge read other sub-par novels just to fill in the time.
Due to all the plot holes you pointed out I can see you really didn't read this novel and I will give you answers to the plot holes. Answer to plot hole # 1: before setting out (going into the spaceship and whatever) the people's property are calculated and changed into achievement points which will help them in the new planet (that's what the game is about, getting achievement points.) So if the rich clans tossed in tons of money into the game it reduces the achievement point they get at the beginning and if the heir in control of thier territory in the game performed less than expected then that's the end for them. So not converting all thier wealth into gold is giving themselves a back up plan. The MC didn't do this because the amount he has wouldn't amount to a significant number of achievement points so he didn't bother holding back. Answer to plot hole # 2: you can only teleport your troops, resources and others to another teleportation station/point that belongs to either you or your ally and to battle map and the teleportation station are always in a city so you can't teleport to an hostile force city or a neutral force city or outside. So it's impossible to teleport into a another's city. Answer to plot hole #3: nothing in the world is forever neutral so why does the AI have to be neutral, and remember at the beginning the big clans were given silver city creation token while other people have to get Thiers you can see the AI was not neutral from the begining. Answer to plot hole # 5: Nothing in the world is unlimited. The thing that makes them stronger and transfer thier cultivation into thier unconscious body must be limited so it's perfectly reasonable not to give everyone but only the best. I admit my defeat in plot hole # 5 Answer to plot hole # 6: there are lots of times the MC has killed his enemies. They can commit suicide it's not like they die for real so it's impossible to lock them up.
I read this a longgg time ago, I don't remember which chapter or where it was that achievement points were mentioned, but I do faintly recall them. That still doesn't mean much though because the wealth difference would still be insurmountable. The top 1% richest people literally own over 50% of the world's entire wealth as of this moment. With the exchange rate previously being 1 for 1 and people only thinking it was a game, they would've been able to get an insane amount of coins. I also thought that the achievement was also dependant on how well you did in the game, but that might be me imagining it since it has been so long. No, but seriously, their whole gimmick is them being rich and powerful, but Ouyang becomes richer than them pretty much in the start. Also, the cultivation thing is a biological process, you don't need anything special for it except I suppose more calories? I mean the government has been aware and planning this for a very long time, I doubt they would be lacking food for the journey. AI not being neutral is a BIG issue since one, it would mean that it was unbalanced and unfair. The government worked out a deal to give them a small head start, but they don't control or run it per se. It was human interaction. Everything after that and it must still follow a set of rules, the AI being biased implies a lot of bad and stupid planning. This isn't just a game remember, this is for humanity's SURVIVAL. Can't have bs like that running around. He does kill people, but he doesn't actively kill them and also a lot of time he lets them go for shallow reasons. I don't recall what chapter or their names, but one of the noble girl's family betrayed them/allowed a bunch of old men to boss her around and stuff. Why submit to them? They were literally helpless. Killing them and taking over would've been a lot easier and logical. Locking away enemies so they can't respawn and escape would be even better. I know the teleporting thing is only in allies or your own base. That is still such an OP mechanic that it would actually destroy warfare as we know it. Do you know why Hitler lost when invading russia? He over extended his lines, lack of supplies, and got boned. But if he could just teleport supplies or armies to locations then he would've completely dominated. He would've probably been able to take over the world if he could do that kind of bs. This is supposed to train people for the new world, but in RL they don't have the ability to teleport! This is like playing warcraft or starcraft and saying you're a certified general! It's terrible training! Also, my example was what if one of your allies teleported their army into your base, then broke the treaty? They would literally be able to slaughter everyone before you could do jack ****. Maybe send in some assassins and poison the water supplies? Imagine you're being surrounded by an army in your castle, then BOOM reinforcement from your allies arrive in your city and you charge out with an army of 2000000. Seiging would be immensely difficult. Especially since even if you block of supplies trade routes, they have a magical store to pump out food and everything else they need. Transporting using allies cities, you can literally be unpredictable and attack places from all over. It'd be absolutely ridiculous to make plans and countermeasures. Btw, yeah they could commit suicide, but how many people would actually do that? Even if they don't die for real, that pain, that fear, I don't think many have that resolve, even if they do it's not that hard to stop them? Tie them up, force feed them, keep them in a weakened state or medical comma. Or keep them under watch and guard by some people 24/7
Redanxelar:Due to all the plot holes you pointed out I can see you really didn't read this novel and I will give you answers to the plot holes. Answer to plot hole # 1: before setting out (going into the spaceship and whatever) the people's property are calculated and changed into achievement points which will help them in the new planet (that's what the game is about, getting achievement points.) So if the rich clans tossed in tons of money into the game it reduces the achievement point they get at the beginning and if the heir in control of thier territory in the game performed less than expected then that's the end for them. So not converting all thier wealth into gold is giving themselves a back up plan. The MC didn't do this because the amount he has wouldn't amount to a significant number of achievement points so he didn't bother holding back. Answer to plot hole # 2: you can only teleport your troops, resources and others to another teleportation station/point that belongs to either you or your ally and to battle map and the teleportation station are always in a city so you can't teleport to an hostile force city or a neutral force city or outside. So it's impossible to teleport into a another's city. Answer to plot hole #3: nothing in the world is forever neutral so why does the AI have to be neutral, and remember at the beginning the big clans were given silver city creation token while other people have to get Thiers you can see the AI was not neutral from the begining. Answer to plot hole # 5: Nothing in the world is unlimited. The thing that makes them stronger and transfer thier cultivation into thier unconscious body must be limited so it's perfectly reasonable not to give everyone but only the best. I admit my defeat in plot hole # 5 Answer to plot hole # 6: there are lots of times the MC has killed his enemies. They can commit suicide it's not like they die for real so it's impossible to lock them up.
These top 1% has insider news, so they were never been playing it for just a game from the beginning. Also, they are a group of entities, they bought and managed to get a lot of village creating tokens. Since they are big shots with a lot of talented people to move around, Ouyang Shou is basically Pewdiepie fighting a whole corporation just like T-Series, but 6 T-series for that. My main problem are the characters. They are so annoying, specially his sister. That sh*tty character is f*cking broken.
BookGuardian:I read this a longgg time ago, I don't remember which chapter or where it was that achievement points were mentioned, but I do faintly recall them. That still doesn't mean much though because the wealth difference would still be insurmountable. The top 1% richest people literally own over 50% of the world's entire wealth as of this moment. With the exchange rate previously being 1 for 1 and people only thinking it was a game, they would've been able to get an insane amount of coins. I also thought that the achievement was also dependant on how well you did in the game, but that might be me imagining it since it has been so long. No, but seriously, their whole gimmick is them being rich and powerful, but Ouyang becomes richer than them pretty much in the start. Also, the cultivation thing is a biological process, you don't need anything special for it except I suppose more calories? I mean the government has been aware and planning this for a very long time, I doubt they would be lacking food for the journey. AI not being neutral is a BIG issue since one, it would mean that it was unbalanced and unfair. The government worked out a deal to give them a small head start, but they don't control or run it per se. It was human interaction. Everything after that and it must still follow a set of rules, the AI being biased implies a lot of bad and stupid planning. This isn't just a game remember, this is for humanity's SURVIVAL. Can't have bs like that running around. He does kill people, but he doesn't actively kill them and also a lot of time he lets them go for shallow reasons. I don't recall what chapter or their names, but one of the noble girl's family betrayed them/allowed a bunch of old men to boss her around and stuff. Why submit to them? They were literally helpless. Killing them and taking over would've been a lot easier and logical. Locking away enemies so they can't respawn and escape would be even better. I know the teleporting thing is only in allies or your own base. That is still such an OP mechanic that it would actually destroy warfare as we know it. Do you know why Hitler lost when invading russia? He over extended his lines, lack of supplies, and got boned. But if he could just teleport supplies or armies to locations then he would've completely dominated. He would've probably been able to take over the world if he could do that kind of bs. This is supposed to train people for the new world, but in RL they don't have the ability to teleport! This is like playing warcraft or starcraft and saying you're a certified general! It's terrible training! Also, my example was what if one of your allies teleported their army into your base, then broke the treaty? They would literally be able to slaughter everyone before you could do jack ****. Maybe send in some assassins and poison the water supplies? Imagine you're being surrounded by an army in your castle, then BOOM reinforcement from your allies arrive in your city and you charge out with an army of 2000000. Seiging would be immensely difficult. Especially since even if you block of supplies trade routes, they have a magical store to pump out food and everything else they need. Transporting using allies cities, you can literally be unpredictable and attack places from all over. It'd be absolutely ridiculous to make plans and countermeasures. Btw, yeah they could commit suicide, but how many people would actually do that? Even if they don't die for real, that pain, that fear, I don't think many have that resolve, even if they do it's not that hard to stop them? Tie them up, force feed them, keep them in a weakened state or medical comma. Or keep them under watch and guard by some people 24/7
These top 1% has insider news, so they were never been playing it for just a game from the beginning. Also, they are a group of entities, they bought and managed to get a lot of village creating tokens. Since they are big shots with a lot of talented people to move around, Ouyang Shou is basically Pewdiepie fighting a whole corporation just like T-Series, but 6 T-series for that. My main problem are the characters. They are so annoying, specially his sister. That sh*tty character is f*cking broken.
BookGuardian:I read this a longgg time ago, I don't remember which chapter or where it was that achievement points were mentioned, but I do faintly recall them. That still doesn't mean much though because the wealth difference would still be insurmountable. The top 1% richest people literally own over 50% of the world's entire wealth as of this moment. With the exchange rate previously being 1 for 1 and people only thinking it was a game, they would've been able to get an insane amount of coins. I also thought that the achievement was also dependant on how well you did in the game, but that might be me imagining it since it has been so long. No, but seriously, their whole gimmick is them being rich and powerful, but Ouyang becomes richer than them pretty much in the start. Also, the cultivation thing is a biological process, you don't need anything special for it except I suppose more calories? I mean the government has been aware and planning this for a very long time, I doubt they would be lacking food for the journey. AI not being neutral is a BIG issue since one, it would mean that it was unbalanced and unfair. The government worked out a deal to give them a small head start, but they don't control or run it per se. It was human interaction. Everything after that and it must still follow a set of rules, the AI being biased implies a lot of bad and stupid planning. This isn't just a game remember, this is for humanity's SURVIVAL. Can't have bs like that running around. He does kill people, but he doesn't actively kill them and also a lot of time he lets them go for shallow reasons. I don't recall what chapter or their names, but one of the noble girl's family betrayed them/allowed a bunch of old men to boss her around and stuff. Why submit to them? They were literally helpless. Killing them and taking over would've been a lot easier and logical. Locking away enemies so they can't respawn and escape would be even better. I know the teleporting thing is only in allies or your own base. That is still such an OP mechanic that it would actually destroy warfare as we know it. Do you know why Hitler lost when invading russia? He over extended his lines, lack of supplies, and got boned. But if he could just teleport supplies or armies to locations then he would've completely dominated. He would've probably been able to take over the world if he could do that kind of bs. This is supposed to train people for the new world, but in RL they don't have the ability to teleport! This is like playing warcraft or starcraft and saying you're a certified general! It's terrible training! Also, my example was what if one of your allies teleported their army into your base, then broke the treaty? They would literally be able to slaughter everyone before you could do jack ****. Maybe send in some assassins and poison the water supplies? Imagine you're being surrounded by an army in your castle, then BOOM reinforcement from your allies arrive in your city and you charge out with an army of 2000000. Seiging would be immensely difficult. Especially since even if you block of supplies trade routes, they have a magical store to pump out food and everything else they need. Transporting using allies cities, you can literally be unpredictable and attack places from all over. It'd be absolutely ridiculous to make plans and countermeasures. Btw, yeah they could commit suicide, but how many people would actually do that? Even if they don't die for real, that pain, that fear, I don't think many have that resolve, even if they do it's not that hard to stop them? Tie them up, force feed them, keep them in a weakened state or medical comma. Or keep them under watch and guard by some people 24/7
About the coins, you have to give irl money as a rich lord to have game currency from the players not the system. and lol man please, the first 3 month were like "yeah your truly ouyang have 5000000000000 gold while the average currency was still silver i'm so great pls praise me" so it's only normal that the whealthy people couldn't surpass him since the gold coins were not this common in the game much less in the market
Honestly, screw all the plot holes, if you can name fucking half the characters in this and remember who they are congrats. The biggest problem with this novel is the characters and the names. I like The Lord is empire much better as even though the mc gets abit of a boost, at the beginning and there are some plot holes, the premise is just better. On top of that it’s easier to follow, even though there is harem elements later on, but if you fucking became an emperor and ruled over countless people can you really say you would not make a harem. I mean people cheat on there girlfriends or boyfriends and they work 9-5 jobs so whatever.
bachingchung:These top 1% has insider news, so they were never been playing it for just a game from the beginning. Also, they are a group of entities, they bought and managed to get a lot of village creating tokens. Since they are big shots with a lot of talented people to move around, Ouyang Shou is basically Pewdiepie fighting a whole corporation just like T-Series, but 6 T-series for that. My main problem are the characters. They are so annoying, specially his sister. That sh*tty character is f*cking broken.
Someone already tried to explain the plot holes but I don’t really like some of their explanations so I’ll do it again. Plot hole #1. There isn’t a conversion from money to gold, it’s achievement points to gold. Achievement points determine your level of authority and even if the aristocratic families do this, they can only convert a portion of it. Plus the MC manages to get a large lead in gold with his knowledge. Plot hole #2. Ok here’s a small spoiler but the rules of teleporting change across the entirety of the novel until it’s almost nonexistent. And I don’t know if you’ve read that far but they exploited teleporting a whole ton. Like teleporting lets you teleport from a teleportation formation, a gate-like thing, to another one. And you can set who can use it or go to it. And so schemes were just attacking from a unexpected place, attacking an unexpected place, or stopping teleportation with special means. And for the allies thing, who would be dumb enough to let their teleportation formation be set to allies on at all times? And if betrayals do happen, destroying 1 place doesn’t destroy an entire kingdom. This requires breaking into the palace and destroying the steele but who would put their formation right next to the castle without expecting all this. Oh and it’s not like every place has a teleportation formation. And another minor spoiler, the shop was a way to incorporate all these modern people into a realistic gams of war. But it gets removed. Plot hole #3. The AI is sentient and has human level intelligence at least. It’s not gonna give an extremely unfair advantage or any disadvantages. I don’t really know why this is a plot hole. Spoiler, the AI starts to act on its own and take control over things while still adhering to its original intentions/orders. Plot hole #4. This is gonna be full of some spoilers that are shown near the end of the story so maybe skip this explanation. Resources are limited. Pretty obvious on giant spaceships going to some planet for 10 years + maybe more. So they can’t provide these cultivation materials for every single person. Probably a valuable substance as well. And guns don’t work. The latest in military technology is useless against the monsters on the planet. So their solution is to make super soldiers I guess. Kinda dumb but it fills the plot hole. The monsters also have some kind of energy around them that does that. Oh and the ships don’t all land on the planet. A team chosen from the kings are sent to the planet with some of his people to attempt to create a base. The previous base got deaded by those energy covered monsters. Plot hole #5. These are ancient people but have modern people even fought with cold weapons or have experience around them? That’s why there are generals. And for organization, AI is best. Ok here are more spoiler that you should skip. The government is disbanded and so achievement points decide your authority. The king that gets sent out to make a base also has more say in things since he’s risking his life. All the others are still on the spaceship. And I think their plan is just to get a livable area for time being. Plot hole #6. Ok. This is dumb. Most of the killing force are soldiers until near the end when, minor spoiler, they start to incorporate players even though they lose everything even cultivation upon death. So what to kill? Generals and commanders have an army behind them and you’re talking like killing them is as easy as picking cherries. As for player kings, killing them is even harder unless you have assassins which means the enemy king has to create an organization and train people for that and they have an elite guard force too and probably some assassins protecting them. And locking up the respawn room isn’t that easy. And the king would be in the castle where the steele is as well. And the steele is the most important thing. More than the king. So why go for the respawn room when you
Someone already tried to explain the plot holes but I don’t really like some of their explanations so I’ll do it again. Plot hole #1. There isn’t a conversion from money to gold, it’s achievement points to gold. Achievement points determine your level of authority and even if the aristocratic families do this, they can only convert a portion of it. Plus the MC manages to get a large lead in gold with his knowledge. Plot hole #2. Ok here’s a small spoiler but the rules of teleporting change across the entirety of the novel until it’s almost nonexistent. And I don’t know if you’ve read that far but they exploited teleporting a whole ton. Like teleporting lets you teleport from a teleportation formation, a gate-like thing, to another one. And you can set who can use it or go to it. And so schemes were just attacking from a unexpected place, attacking an unexpected place, or stopping teleportation with special means. And for the allies thing, who would be dumb enough to let their teleportation formation be set to allies on at all times? And if betrayals do happen, destroying 1 place doesn’t destroy an entire kingdom. This requires breaking into the palace and destroying the steele but who would put their formation right next to the castle without expecting all this. Oh and it’s not like every place has a teleportation formation. And another minor spoiler, the shop was a way to incorporate all these modern people into a realistic gams of war. But it gets removed. Plot hole #3. The AI is sentient and has human level intelligence at least. It’s not gonna give an extremely unfair advantage or any disadvantages. I don’t really know why this is a plot hole. Spoiler, the AI starts to act on its own and take control over things while still adhering to its original intentions/orders. Plot hole #4. This is gonna be full of some spoilers that are shown near the end of the story so maybe skip this explanation. Resources are limited. Pretty obvious on giant spaceships going to some planet for 10 years + maybe more. So they can’t provide these cultivation materials for every single person. Probably a valuable substance as well. And guns don’t work. The latest in military technology is useless against the monsters on the planet. So their solution is to make super soldiers I guess. Kinda dumb but it fills the plot hole. The monsters also have some kind of energy around them that does that. Oh and the ships don’t all land on the planet. A team chosen from the kings are sent to the planet with some of his people to attempt to create a base. The previous base got deaded by those energy covered monsters. Plot hole #5. These are ancient people but have modern people even fought with cold weapons or have experience around them? That’s why there are generals. And for organization, AI is best. Ok here are more spoiler that you should skip. The government is disbanded and so achievement points decide your authority. The king that gets sent out to make a base also has more say in things since he’s risking his life. All the others are still on the spaceship. And I think their plan is just to get a livable area for time being. Plot hole #6. Ok. This is dumb. Most of the killing force are soldiers until near the end when, minor spoiler, they start to incorporate players even though they lose everything even cultivation upon death. So what to kill? Generals and commanders have an army behind them and you’re talking like killing them is as easy as picking cherries. As for player kings, killing them is even harder unless you have assassins which means the enemy king has to create an organization and train people for that and they have an elite guard force too and probably some assassins protecting them. And locking up the respawn room isn’t that easy. And the king would be in the castle where the steele is as well. And the steele is the most important thing. More than the king. So why go for the respawn room when you