What a shameless Author you are... to Vote ur own Webnovel hahah but I like it.. >.< haist Qidian.. xD please delete the 140 words14140 words0 words140 words140 words
Liked by 9 people
LIKEThis Rabbink needs some activity on its novel. It is also not 140 words. 'Review should not be less than 140 characters' on my apps. This request from Qidian is crazy. I have enough stress with just 1 Trevon McArthur. Could you imagine having more characters? Let me try to make 140 characters. Poor Trevon, Ugly Trevon, Stinky Trevon, .... another eternity later... Single Trevon.
What do you mean by that, Rabbink? Single Trevon? I have many girls who wanted to be my wife.
No. Not this one!!! Master Rabbink is the best Rabbink, the handsomest Rabbink, the coolest Rabbink. Please change it back! At this novel pace, i would be a grandpa wizard before I met my wife.