
Review Detail of Ziavory in Dragonborn Saga

Review detail


😑 Why is this in the top 10? Don't listen to the reviews, at most this story is average. It started out interesting but the mc acts like a generic, hotblooded 16 year old with very little development in the brain section. Excluding the fact that the world seems to revolve around him, he's op in the bad way. And the 'politics' in this world seems a bit...childish. Because it's totally normal how the mc who was an average guy in his past life is so much more cunning then the seasoned, old adults. Go read Joy of life or something for better, more realistic politics. The story is not bad, but it's also not good. It's Meh.

Dragonborn Saga


Liked by 62 people




it was all fine till you had to say 'joy of life has better politics...' ughh.. uwak.. dude? srsly? erghh!!


it actually has imho, when only benchmarking the politics (disregarding the overall content). The scheming and the intriques on that novel were more well written and believable unlike this one.

Pradheep:it was all fine till you had to say 'joy of life has better politics...' ughh.. uwak.. dude? srsly? erghh!!

You do know that this is the Fanfic of Skyrim right? aside from some daedric quests ...the main quest and civil war part of main story is kinda average and almost every nord is hot blooded... if you have never played Skyrim then don't read this story


THIS was the comment I was looking for. Guess I'll binge skyrim tutorials now...😑

Deadrule_vivek:You do know that this is the Fanfic of Skyrim right? aside from some daedric quests ...the main quest and civil war part of main story is kinda average and almost every nord is hot blooded... if you have never played Skyrim then don't read this story

But isn't he the Dragonborn? If so the world "LITERALLY"(not really) REVOLVES AROUND HIM, that's the whole plot of Skyrim. Same with most Japanese hero isekai stories, the world mostly revolves around the hero.