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This is one of the most original stories Iv read on the app. I truly don’t know why it is ranked so low when worse novels are rated much higher. To get more chapters a week I would even go so far as to purchase enough golden tickets to bump it up in the rankings myself (If I had the money). In my opinion this novel should at least be in the top 10, I even dare to say it has top 5 potential. If you’re on the fence about picking it up just do yourself a favor and pull the trigger. The author has created a well thought out world and his/her writing is of higher quality than most of the novels on this app. Help put this novel where it belongs.
Great work dude! I’ve loved the novel from chapter one! I was here September 29!
I really do enjoy the story.. Though if the author put more effort in grammar and their writing quality, itd be 10000x better.. the lack of care really turns me off. It’s consistent too.. literally every paragraph has so many errors. Definitely a cash grab, but an interesting one. 600 coins for 10 chapters of privilege solidified this opinion. If you took more care in your writing or went back and fixed all your previous chapters, you’d make a lot more money, and would draw alot more readers.
To express how much i love this Novel in words would be tough, but the fact that i call it a novel should tell you everything you need to know! Im re-reading because waiting for new chapters is killing me! Thank you for writing such an amazing story! Reading the new chapters is one of the things i look forward to most when i wake up!
baba means grandmother in some languages and grand father in others. And they never said she was the first awakened, she was the first awakend to reach a white core and immortality. I dont understand why you think there is a ceiling put in the story now though.. to me that does not make sense. If anything it opens up the possibilities for more to happen, in my opinion. As I said in a previous comment, I think it'll be very interesting to see who else has reached a white core and immortality. maybe Menadion?...
I like how it infers that she can go toe to toe with guadians! and if baba yaga was th first to achieve the white mana core and immortality, that implys that others came after her! which i find very exciting!
lol if you read the novel with an open mind you would realize they we're talking about solus... you know the person who is in his head 24/7 affecting the way he thinks about everything... this story has fantastic character development if you actually read it..