
Zombo Stars # 1

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasia
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5 Chs


Houka POV) Houka wakes up inside a Cave, Huguel: finally you woke up) Houka looks at the man in the black clothes with a skull drawing) Houka: who are you) Huguel: I'm the one who saved you from death Houka) Houka: how do you know what my name?

Huguel just says) Huguel: I'm an angel

Houka's expression changed rapidly after listening to Huguel, and he quickly asked:

"W-what!? An angel saved my life, who are you? What do you want from me?"

Houka was really confused and didn't know why Huguel came to save him, what was Huguel's purpose here?

But the look on Huguel's face seemed really peaceful and friendly, which made Houka feel a bit more comfortable.

Huguel: well I came here to recruit for my organization called Huguels X for a worldwide purpose, the objective of our organization is to create a portal to the celestial dimension of peace and Calm down for still good people in this world

Houka was really surprised to know that there existed another dimension where everything is peaceful and calm.

Houka thought to himself: "A dimension where everything is peaceful and calm, that sounds like a utopia".

He was also interested in hearing more about this organization that Huguel was a part of.

Houka looks at Huguel's face and then asks:

"What exactly is this organization that you are trying to recruit me for?"

Huguel: you come from an elite school it's not your family that adopted you you're the most powerful in Zombo and they have a lot of money, so you're essential to our organization, it's also you are the master of Manipulation, right, because you created a war between elite schools within Zombo even though nobody wanted it in the first place.

When Houka heard what Huguel was saying, he felt a little surprised that there was so much information out there about him, but he couldn't deny that everything that Huguel said was true.

"Yes, I was found by the school when I was a kid, and my family has a lot of money, yes I am also very good at manipulation, and I did manage to create a war between the elite schools. How do you know all of this?"

Houka looked at Huguel in confusion.

Huguel: I told you Houka I'm an Angel, come to bring eternal peace and calm to the few good people in this world and I see that you're not a good person but I don't care about that, I just want you to Entering our organization, if you accept you will also be in peace is eternal calm forever even if you are a war handler

"Eternal peace and calm? That sounds really tempting, so all I need to do is accept your offer and everything will be okay for me?"

Houka didn't know what to say, he was really interested in this offer, but he was still a little bit suspicious, what if there was something behind this whole offer that he didn't know? But at the end, he couldn't refuse the offer, he was too tempted by eternal peace and calm.

"I accept your offer" he replied to Huguel.

Huguel: you won't regret this Houka, but we have to recruit more people for our plan to start, you were the first so for now you will be my right arm, now let's go walking we have no time to waste, by the way I healed you so don't worry about what happened during your fall

Houka followed Huguel, he was really curious to know more about the organization that he was supposed to help from now on. He hoped to learn more from Huguel and help with the recruiting efforts.

He then quickly asked Huguel:

"So you are recruiting more people for the organization? What qualities do you look for in them?"

Houka was really eager to contribute to the organization and wanted to know everything about it.