
Zombo Stars # 1

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Huguel: powers like you you have the power of manipulation, now let's go after the popular Vitkor the leg fighter dancer who was trapped by the clumsy Hero Nikkomam

Huguel: powers like you you have the power of manipulation, now let's go after the popular Vitkor the leg fighter dancer who was trapped by the clumsy Hero Nikkomam

When Houka heard the name of Viktor, he recalled the memories of that guy fighting with Shijie at the school.

After that he couldn't stop himself from smiling, and asked Huguel:

"Yes, I know that guy, he always fought in a competition with my friend Shijie, and he seemed to be very strong".

Then he quickly asked: "Is Viktor really trapped by that guy Nikkomam?"

Huguel: yes Nikkomam the bumbling hero who arrested two more recruits for our Organization, Their names are, Brenner Souka the obese bandit with fire powers, Gabino is the mafia leader with purple skin, these two criminals is but the Viktor we are going to recruit will be powerful allies

"So Viktor, Brenner, and Gabino will be the next recruits of this organization? They all sound like really talented and powerful individuals, I'm happy to know that they will be joining us."

Houka looked at Huguel with a smile on his face as he was thinking about the powerful allies they had in their hands.

Then he asked: "What power does Viktor have?"

Huguel: Viktor is more powerful among you than me, Viktor fight with his legs right then, Viktor has the power to fight with his legs where everything he kicks example a brick wall Viktor kick this wall it will break in seconds

When Houka heard that Viktor could break a brick wall with just a kick, he was shocked by his sheer strength.

Then Houka asked Huguel: "You mentioned that Viktor was captured by Nikkomam, but that guy is the hero, isn't he supposed to be doing good deeds?"

"I see, so Viktor also used his fans to commit crimes in order to achieve his goals. But I don't really understand why he wanted to fight Nikkomam? Did something happen between them?"

Houka looked at Huguel with a confused look on his face, he wanted to hear more about Viktor and his battle with Nikkomam.

Huguel: Nikkomam is a Hero who protects the country of Zombo as well as thousands of heroes in the world and throughout the galaxy, Nikkomam learned of Viktor's criminal activities and was not happy with it at all. That

"So, in other words, Viktor and Nikkomam have different views on how things should be done, which made them into foes?"

Houka looked at Huguel with uncertainty in his eyes, he was surprised to know that Viktor wasn't exactly the hero that he thought.

"Now, we're going to find Viktor and ask him to join our organization, correct?"

Huguel: yes but first we will have to break into Zombo's maximum security prison to recruit Viktor, Brenner Souka, is Gabino, the Black Dark prison

"Black Dark Prison, and all these criminals are locked up inside? Okay, I understand, but how are we supposed to get them out? Do we have some sort of plan?"

Houka looked eager to recruit more members into this secret organization. He believed that their plan will work as long as they make sure everything goes as planned.