
Zombies Guide To The Apocalypse

We've heard of the old zombie setting where there's suddenly, a disease, virus, bacteria, etc, causing all the people being infected to be turned into monsters Zombies!!? I've heard that everywhere I go, screams that would echo from my surroundings and growl coming from every turn I take In this apocalyptic world, the survivor of the fittest shall stand, along with heaps of undying monsters everywhere you look Meeting lots of people that will join you on your journey, a lover and your best friend that would support you in any way Kill that monster!?? Let's just skip all of that part and just about go to the end, also known as being bitten or dying in the hands of the people you trust Well for me, I became a zombie I don't know how but my consciousness is intact, im getting hunted down just because of my figure. To think that I became a zombie is one of the most hated things in this apocalyptic world im getting hunted by my previous kind

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

A potential meal I mean ally! [2]

Eleanor Stein the youngest member of the Stein family was a gift for centuries to come but what they never knew was the price that came. At age 6 she toppled William Degrasse Tyson, Conroy West, and Abe Wiles as the smartest person alive. In the tenth year of her life, she took the crown off of Eilon Rusk as the richest person in the world. Nobody knew what lies in her mind but everyone who knows of her feats knew one thing... in terms of knowledge non shall never win

"Big talk for a brute! I'll show the truest power of my ability," She snapped her fingers, and every metal in her vicinity came to her side thwarting his charge

"Damn it! This is annoying to say but she's right, there's no such thing as a weak point... what's worrisome is the fact that she brought some electronics, she's literally a walking— Blueprint...'

The metallic walls curled up and Leo's been struck by a high-velocity cannon from the scraps she compiled. His reinforced body managed to handle its force and he quickly jumps when he heard another shot. The concrete walls were eviscerated and he could tell its force was beyond what he experienced

"Bravo! You're a zombie but aren't you peculiar? Your mind is intact and to say the least, and your overall performance is quite an anomaly. Have you perhaps evolved?" Her interest skyrocketed and as soon as she unloads she fired another shot

"God fucking damn..."

He tried to avoid her attack but unbeknownst to him her shots have a different selection of bullets. He anticipated another large chunk of metal but to his surprise, he met with a blitz of metal piercing through his veins. His body never bleed but he could feel the pain inflicted what's surprising was that it was but a hint compared to the entire impact

'That fucking stings! Who's fucking idea was it to return a little bit of my sense of pain? It feels like I got nerfed, anyhow it's useful for things like maintaining a dead body. But god damn it's annoying to deal with such excruciating pain,'

"Surrendering is an option... but you're too prideful for a zombie, don't worry it's an honor to lose to me. I'm a genius after all," A blade came flying, and her first thought was to assemble every metal at her disposal but it wasn't enough

"Ingenuity vs Evolution... I like my odds, you may be a genius but let's get one thing straight. Smarts matter the most to you. But aren't you the one who also says without favorable genes even intellect can't compare," He surprises her when he unleashed the full force of the tentacles upon feeding them every bit of orbs he collected

[Calculating... the mutation rate of the tentacles rose higher after digesting dozens of grade one mutation orbs! Alert; the mutant tentacles have reached their former glory after digesting the orbs. The mutation grade has been set to G2 (Grade two) speed, precision, command, and pierce has increased]

When the voices disappeared the tentacles retracted elevating him from the floor whilst their numbers increased. Stein didn't hesitate and fired a high-velocity round faster than his tentacles aimed through his skull. But the results were not in her favor, a crack from his skull appeared, and an ounce of his blood dripped through the ground

[Your passive ability hardening solidified your physique! The fatal blow has subsided! The tentacles grew wary of the hostile entity targeting your life]

"No wonder that tentacle zombie was hard to deal with... the knife wasn't the problem, it was sturdy to begin with. Still, I sure lucked out from eating its orb," His mutated tentacles dispatched themselves without his command and cut every piece of metal there was

Eleanor was outmatched, just a single slash easily broke her strongest shield, a chunk of titanium she kept nearby. The blade created by his mutant tentacles was nothing she could've dealt with anything at the Mall's disposal. In front of her may be the reason for mankind's downfall, the evolution of these freaks that goes far as to excel in power

"Magnificen— Urrrrgh!"

She steadily awaited her demise, she calculated to be smashed, lacerated, and eaten alive but all she gets was a punch. "Stop looking at my weapon, you should better catch them hands son!"

After he does a jab he goes for a left hook and a right before he repeats the process over and over. "Death is but a moment, suffering is eternal! You don't deserve to be cut, that's rated Z for zombies... as for my fists, it's E as in for Everyone!! Even a twelve-year-old brat!!!"

Eleanor took his beating personally, it ticked her off in many ways than one. Pity that requires him to lessen the impact of his punch. Ranting such provocative words whilst she couldn't do but grit her teeth. There are many things wrong with this moment, most of it because of him beating a child, but as the saying goes... in the apocalypse, there are no rules to abide by, cops to run from, or presidents to follow. It's a dog-eat-dog world, and considering these two it's a fight between a chihuahua and a wolf

"Ugg, ugg, ugg... Ahhhh. So refreshing!" He says after chugging down a bottle of blood after finishing his fight

"Get off of me!!" and it seems he's seating at the back of the twelve-year-old brat he beaten just a while ago

"... sigh. Welp, let's get this over with," He raises her from the ground and quickly tore apart her clothes

"What do you think you're doing?" Her face suddenly redden after his recent activities concerning her body

He stared menacingly at her eye and says. "I'm gonna eat you! Not in the way you're thinking, im literally gonna eat you. Who knows I might get your ability... are you playing dumb right now? If zombies with abilities have shining orbs, then maybe an ability user has it too? I wanna get my hands on metal bending,"

Like a middle-aged predator in heat, Leo drooled over her once she smell the fragrant scent of blood from her injuries. There wasn't a hint of falsity in his words and his glowing red eyes assures her of his desire to consume. She scream and soon she felt the need of crying when she finally realizes her irreversible fate

"Waaaaah! Please don't kill me. I don't wanna die, not yet... spare me, please! The only people I fed to zombies are the atrocious bunch. Ellie will do what she's told, I won't bother you anymore, so please let Ellie go," Leo wasn't swayed by her words but before he could drive his teeth he heard Rick grumbling near their spot

'Seriously Rick!!? When I didn't need you to wake the fuck up, you fucking wake up... just my luck. I thought I could kill this little brat,'

He took off the military jacket he wore and cover her body upon Rick's awakening. "Whoa! The fuck happened here? Is this the Mall? The last time I check it wasn't this... trashy. Wait where's L and Stein? Oh there you are what the heck happened–"

"The fucks wrong with you Rick? That fucking soup of yours knocks you out like you're the sleeping beauty waiting for his prince charming. We've been attacked, I was busy saving you that this little brat almost got raped by a predator. Don't worry, it's because im here that both of you are still alive," He glared intensely at Stein, and quickly she nodded whilst she cried

"Ah... sorry guys. Let me make it up to you, I'll grab our stuff and we can get a move on. You guys can rest I'll check the ruins by myself, im sorry again, it won't happen again, I promised..."

As soon as he left the mood from before began to arise and Leo's hand crept into her shoulder along with a darting gaze. "Now you listen here you little shit! If you ever reveal that im a zombie so help me you'd wish you'll kill yourself when you have the chance. Because if you don't you'll fucking experience hell, don't you ever think of crossing me? This isn't a chance I gave you, it's all thanks to little Rickie over there so you better play nice!"

"Y-yes sir!" She continued crying whilst her cheeks were squished by his hands as he continues to laugh

"Very good! See you can be a good girl if you try, nice to have you on board, Ellie... and remember, never fucking cross me. Got it?" He stroked her head before she even nodded, intentional or not he struck an ever-lasting fear in her heart

"L! I've found our stuff, we can go now!"

'Perfect, now the whole squad is formed... in many stories, such as novels the smallest viewpoints are mostly three in particular. I heard one for the main character and the other two are left for the well... technically they're counted as main characters but met along the way. At the very least this journey wouldn't be as boring as it used to be, now of we go!'