
The Fated Pact - 1

As I entered the academy , after checking the outer notice board I went to my respective class and sat in the last bench because I don't like unnecessary people or unnecessary things, I just want to beat this damn competition and become god as fast I can , if I can achieve my goals as fast, I don't need to make unnecessary sacrifices but before even finishing the thought of his, unnecessary trouble has come up for him, someone " nice to meet you I am Sypher , and you are? " he had green hair height is smaller than yuvan yellow eyes yuvan was going to ignore the question but since someone asked his name it is his duty to answer it that's what he thought. Yuvan with a smile "My name is Yuvan , nice to meet you Sypher" "Same" Sypher said and the teacher came in and the class started

Teacher " I am your home room teacher Charles and I think everyone knows why you are here , there is only only 9 months to begin the competition so everyone should be ready before the competition begins , there are three rules you should abide by

rule 1 you should never go to the forbidden places that is been listed in the guide book .

rule 2 you should never fight with teacher until the teacher asks you to do so

and the most important rule is to never use your weapon in academy no matter what

you must be wondering about the third rule we will send each of you to a place where the weapon will choose you and you rank will be based on the rank of the weapon you have understood kids." the teacher understood by the reaction of the students that they understand.

Each of the students were capable to defeat each other, I have to ability to see people aura based on that I judged I should be little careful with this people and the teacher finished their lecture about the ranks of weapons they are Common


Elite S




These are the types he said

Then the teacher said " Well then students let's go to the place where you will get your weapon. "