
The Beginning

As the battle started , Victor tried to use his agility to attack Sophia but she issued illusions to get away from the attacks on the other side victor s thinking to using a single full power move to cover whole field but he thinks after that if he uses his full power and even after that if she was alive, he cannot fight because he will use all of his energy to use that move

so he leaves the thought

Sophia " this much is your power, you can't even hit me "

Victor " Is that what you think? miss Sophia "

After saying this he increased his speed to come near to attack faster but Sophia used one of the gifts given by the immortal Phoenix. Whenever a human tries to get the blessings of God's they have to go through trials and trials are collection of memories of the trailgivers and if you pass the trial they give you their blessings , blessings have the power of the god itself and some blessings transform into abilities and even some into weapons, blessings of Phoenix are pain resistance , rebirth, essence of nature, truth grasp, time slower, perception grasp, flame buster, flame chaos, defense generator and etc

Sophia " Well then take this 'FLAME BUSTER' " as she said this words, the whole field was covered with flames and she was levitating in the air but even after this much of power he was unscathed like nothing happened and he hysterically laughed and he muttered these words " It's is exiciting" after this the whole field was frozen and the match ended the people who saw it all were shocked and the host was hesitant and after mustering up some courage a, he said thus " The match has ended and the crown of the gods shall be given to the Victor and everyone bowed down to the god who is down there and this together " WE SHALL OFFER OUR DEEPMOST LOYALTY TO YOU FOR THE NEXT 50 YEARS OUR LORD. " With this this the match was ended .

After 49 years,

A young boy with black hair, red eyes with slender body is standing near a school. "So this was the high school that master mentioned, it's so big and all the people are quite strong by their aura well then let's go. " (" let's do it yuvan , you can do it.) I encouraged myself.