
Yugioh: New Duelists X

Yuji Kusanagi a 15 years old boy who likes playing DM. But after a certain event involving DM, he was expelled from his school, then his parents decide to burn all his cards and duel disk. Fed up, he ran away from home and decide to become a duelist like he always wanted.

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72 Chs

☆11: Cracks

"Open up! Yuji Kusanagi!!"

Someone's knocking on the door of his room, shouting to him to "Open Up The Door", and even threatening to blow it.

"Yuji Kusanagi, if y-"

Before she finished her sentence, a clacking sound were heard and the door slowly opened, revealing the residence inside.

Yuji squinted his eyes, and scanned the person that rudely knocks his door.

Grey uniform that kinda resembling Duel Academy student uniform but with a black cape, a headgear in the form of a beret with a golden badge pinned on it.

Based on her getup that resembling a military officer, this person and the others that accompany her clearly isn't that of a teacher nor a student.

Whoever it is, they scream trouble, and it'll be troublesome to get involve with them.

"Who are you? What do you want?!", asked Yuji with tired tone and annoyed expression.

Looking at his annoyed expression, the female military officer glares at him more fiercely.

Noticing the change in her gaze, Yuji snorted.

"Heh! If you don't want to answer, then-"

Before Yuji closed the door, the female military officer quickly grabs the lock stile of the door, stopping him.

"...", He tried to pull the door, but it won't flinch. As he tried to pull the door harder, the opposite side held the door harder than him, as she won't let Yuji escape back to his room.

Yuji clicked his tongue. It seems, no matter what, he'll be involved with them.

With such realization he sighs, "You know if you have a manner please... answer my question. WHO are YOU? WHAT do you WANT?", asked him.

Still glaring at him, she answered: "We are The Academia Ethics Committee, and We're going to take you to the court of inquiry"

Yuji slightly tilted his head, "Ethics Committee?", for him this is the first time he heard about such Committee.

But whatever it is, he knew that this Committee maybe resembling The Disciplinary Committee from his old schools.

If it is truly the same, then...

Just when he averted his gaze from her, his eyes met with the three figures who he knew well standing outside their room with fear and panicked expression reflected on their face.

The word "Ah!" clicked in his head. Now, he realized why the REASON they're here for him.

"... am I in big trouble?", asked him.

The Female Ethics Committee nods, then took a step. Yuji involuntary raised his head, the intimidation aura she excludes made him gulped his own saliva, as he's realizing that her figure clearly towering him.

With a tone sharp as a knife, she said, "Court of Inquiry, now!"

The corner of his right eye twitched.

[Great. Just... great...]


Previous night, Abandoned Dormitory.

"Listen carefully"

Dark Magician Girl gazed at Kiwi Magician Girl, eyes filled with determination and hope, to revive Yuji.

Looking at her expression, Kiwi Magician Girl clenched her hand that previously hold the pitch-black limb, and she felt that her heart were frozen.

"There... there isn't anything you could do", said Kiwi, as she turned her face away from his sister.

"Eh?", Dark Magician Girl opens her eyes like an owl, shocked to hear it.

She then lowered her head, while bites her lower lip.

No... actually, she knew that there isn't any magic that can revive the dead, particularly a human.

It's just... she hoped that her sister Kiwi does have or known the solution to revive him.

For the sole sake to UNDO her mistake.

Dark Magician Girl clenched her hands, disappointed in herself. Not only she was wrong about and threatened him, but she was also saved by Yuji.

If it's not for him, she surely would die.

Can't observe a duel, Can't participate in a duel, Can't felt the joy of dueling anymore.

That, and she also would be leaving her teacher and sisters behind, making them sad.

Then, she'll be forgotten like a passing wind.

Forgotten by her sisters, her master, the duelist of the human world, and last but not least... herself.

"Now that I think about it, I don't even know his name", told her with a weak tone that hinted a self ridicules, as she is looking at Yuji's corpse.

Thanks to him... she is saved.

Thanks to her... he died.

Thanks to him, she'll be remembered.

Thanks to her, he'll be forgotten.

Thanks to him, she can continue her dreams.

It was ALL Thanks to HER! Yuji can't achieve his DREAMS anymore!!!


Looking at her current situation, Kiwi Magician Girl let a troubled sigh.

Then, Apple Magician Girl walks to her sister Kiwi with such haste. Looking at her troubled expression, she asked, "What's wrong?!"

Apple Magician Girl quickly pointed out to where their sisters are, "Can't destroy!", told her with a bated breath.

"Can't destroy?", Kiwi Magician Girl tilted her head, "What to destr-"

"The source of that black roots! It was caused by a card, and we- we never saw something like it!!", told her with panicked and exhausted expression.

Kiwi Magician Girl squinted her eyes and clenched her staff tighter. Hearing Apple's words, cause something in her heart to stir.

"Let's go!", told her.

"Wait! What about Sister Dark Magi-",

"Leave her alone for now. She...", Kiwi Magician Girl looked back at Dark Magician Girl's back, "She needs a little rest", replied her.

Apple Magician Girl look at Dark Magician Girl, then shifted her gaze to Kiwi Magician Girl.

"Ah! I forgot, can you...", Kiwi Magician Girl halted her step, then whispers something to her ear.

"Um...", she nods. Looking at Dark Magician Girl's dejected face, Apple Magician Girl heed Kiwi's words.

She and Kiwi then walks to their sisters, leaving Dark Magician Girl alone.


Back on Yuji's room

"Wait... then how can I still be alive?", asked him, looking at her Dark Magician with shocked and confused expression.

Looking at him, Dark Magician Girl clenched her hand, as she didn't want him to know, nor she wanted to tell him.

Because... telling him about it actually evoke a certain dread, or to be specific a certain memory she wishes to forget.

But, it'll be so unfair if Yuji doesn't know, and so she resolved herself then look at Yuji in the eyes.

"At that time..."


"What is this?!", shouts Kiwi Magician Girl.

She and her other sisters launched streams of magic from their staff toward the pitch-black card.

But no matter what spell they use, and no matter if they increased their magical power output, the pitch-black card remained unscathed.

In all her experience, Kiwi Magician Girl never met such a strange pitch-black card.

Right now, the five of them casting their strongest magic, but the pitch-black card remained the same.

Not only that, the pitch-black also oozing a very evil aura that almost resemble the presence of a dark god from the distant past.

"Guh...", Chocolate Magician Girl fell. Her robe soaked in sweat, and her face become redder as a tomato as if she got a fever.

Looking at her, Kiwi Magician Girl grits her teeth and ordered her sisters to change the strategy.

"If we can't destroy it, then... let's just sealed it!!"

Realizing their futile attempts and the risk it possessed, Kiwi Magician Girl issued a new order.

No matter what, the pitch-black card can't be left alone! Let it fall to the wrong hands, it had the potential to invite apocalypse to end humanity's world and their own.

If the pitch-black card can't use its ability anymore (sealed), then it'll be the same as a normal piece of paper.

That what she was thinking until...

"Chocolate!!!", screams Kiwi Magician Girl.

As if the pitch-black card reads her intention, it then summoned another limb from its back, impaling Chocolate Magician Girl in the chest, then drags the body high into the air like some sort of Piñata.

"Raaarggghhh!!!", Kiwi Magician Girl screamed, and dash toward the floating pitch-black card.

She grips the handle so tight that a crack appears on it, "Unforgivable!!!", screamed her full of rage, as she's charging the magical energy on the tip of her staff as fast as she could.


Unfortunately, before she can reach it. The pitch-black card summoned another limb that whips her in the face so hard, making her losing the momentum and then fall.

Without wasting the opportunity, the pitch-black card summoned multiple limb to dealt with the Magician Girls.

Because Kiwi is the second oldest (LV. 5), she is the first one to be finish off. Before she wakes up, the pitch-black card's limbs impaled her in three places: the abdomen, left thigh, and finally her head.

Looking at her fate, The other Magician Girls' situation isn't that bright anymore.

Lemon Magician Girl were impaled in her stomach. Just like a trash, the pitch-black limb then threw her toward the wall of the abandoned dorm with strong force, destroying it.

It is unknown is she already retired or not, because the newly made hole were covered in a thick dust.

At the same time. Apple Magician Girl were bound by the pitch-black limb like a snake coiled its body to bind its prey. Then, like a pavement been destroyed by a hammer, the pitch-black limb slammed her to the ground so hard with her head making the contact first.

Probably the one who is fortunate is Berry Magician Girl. Like a tomato being squeezed hard by the hand, the pitch-black limb destroyed her head in an instant.

See? Because it was done in an instant, she didn't experience or felt any pain.

After a certain second, The Magician Girls' body began to disintegrate, turning into glittering dust that flies toward the moon.

The pitch-black card retracts its limbs slowly until it enters its own body.

Now, the only obstacle left is Dark Magician Girl.

What the pitch-black card probably see is that Dark Magician Girl is still kneeled in front of Yuji's body with both of her hand spreads on the gaping hole.

What she does is truly... strange.

She didn't look back, nor even help her sisters, nor she tried to avenge her sisters after their meet their demise.

It's just like she ignored them, or maybe...


Suddenly a shout is heard.

Above the pitch-black card, five Magician Girls raised their staff together.

Realizing the sudden danger, the pitch-black card moves its body with the front part facing toward the sky as if it was shocked by their appearance.

"You thought we were gone, didn't you?", asked Kiwi Magician Girl, sneering like a snake.


Before Kiwi and Apple Magician Girl regroup with the other sisters, Kiwi Magician Girl whispered something in Apple Magician Girl's left ear.

"I've got a bad feeling. Whisper to the other to cast THAT spell just in case"

Apple Magician Girl nods.

What Kiwi meant by THAT spell is a magic with the functionality to substitute one's own self.

The instant before they are to be struck by an attack, the user replaces themselves with a decoy similar to themselves, and then simultaneously teleported to somewhere near the decoy.

Because the attack does hit something, the enemy may believe that they've successfully finished them.

Thus giving them a certain time of window to create a counterattack, or fleeing.


Kiwi Magician Girl let a chuckle as to mock her enemy.

"You thought we were gone, didn't you?", sneered her.

"Unfortunately, I've already see that coming!", without further ado The Magician Girls shoot a chain of light from the tip of their staff.

Even though it was called chain of light, in reality it was a bunch of unknown glittering symbol that lined up to form the shape of a chain.

Like a hungry snake, the chain of light pierced the pitch-black card, or tried to as the chain bounced back.

Kiwi Magician Girl grits her teeth. Just like before, it is impossible to destroy the card, nor physical and magic attack can put a dent on it, it was like that the card itself were made from earth's strongest material.

Looking at it, Kiwi and the other Magician Girls grips their staff with both hand, then pouring more magic power into it.


The Magician Girls screamed, their chains of light surrounded the pitch-black card then bind it like a cocoon.

Of course the opposite side didn't just stand idly, as the chains of light surrounding it, the pitch-black card tried to summon another pitch-black limbs to break out.

"Aaaaaa!!!", The Magician Girls grips their staff tighter, screamed as to say that "This is the end!" as they desperate to sealed it.

Beside them, the other side is also desperate. The pitch-black card repeatedly retracts then summoned its limbs from within the binding, making the cocoon looks like a sea urchin.

"Kiwi Magician Girl... I- I can't hold it anymore!", said Apple Magician Girl with exhausted expression.

"Gabuh...", Berry Magician Girl nods her head, as to agree with her. Even though she is a magician, technically she is still a toddler. Doing something this heavy probably would affect her growth and health.

"Me- me too...", then Lemon and Chocolate Magician Girl joined in.

Kiwi Magician Girl squinted her eyes, "Please hold it... just a little more, we can seal that THING!"

Not only them, Kiwi Magician Girl also felt that she already at her limit. The drowsiness and pain from casting multiple spell make her want to fall any moment.

But she must hold it, or else... the previous event would repeat, she and her sisters would definitely be killed by the pitch-black card.

"Dark... you owe us a very big time", whispers her.

As both side desperate to end each other-

"Go!", another chain of light appeared to help to bind the pitch-black card.

"Dark Magician Girl!!!"


The Magician Girls shouts her name simultaneously.

The expression of joy and relieve plastered on their face.

But only for a moment...

As they saw her figure, all of them were shocked!

"What- what happen to her?!", asked Lemon Magician Girl, eyes full of shock.

That is because Dark Magician Girl's body is full of cracks, and something like black mist leaked from the cracks.

But the most creepy thing is that her eyes seems vacant, as the light in her eyes is completly gone.

"Dark...", Kiwi Magician Girl shifted her gaze from Dark Magician Girl toward Yuji's corpse behind her.

She widened her eyes, "Dark... you...", the gaping hole on Yuji's body is gone, the destroyed part of his clothes also revert to its original state, and Yuji... he... breathes... unconscious... but still breathing.

Kiwi Magician Girl then shifted her gaze to Dark Magician Girl again.

Both of their eyes met, seeing her smiling face, she grits her teeth.

"Dark... you damn fool!", whispers her as she shed a tear.

Dark Magician Girl is smiling, she more or less know of what her sister is thinking.

But before she explained it to her... or them, there is another issue she must deal with.

Dark Magician Girl narrowed her eyebrows, looking at the pitch-black card that tried to destroy their binding with fierce eyes.

"One more to go..."