
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Level Up

A young soul, recently passed, finds himself being saved from the void by circumstance, before being thrust into a new world, one he had only seen in his childhood on a Television screen. Placed into a younger body how will he handle his new life, in a world where everything revolves around a card game, and everything can rest on drawing the right card.

PsyChotiX556 · Anime e quadrinhos
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11 Chs

-.-.-Chapter 2-.-.-

It didn't know what to make of its current situation, one second it had been in the void the next it was being pulled through the pinprick of light that was apparently a portal only to appear covered in smoke.

It could make out voices, one female and young the other an older male, a teacher and student pair from what it could understand from the conversation. And from what he could gather, its being brought here, to another world, was the result of the student trying to impress her master.

'Guess the multiverse theories all those fanfictions spouted off about weren't nonsense after all' the soul mused as the smoke cleared and it could finally see their master and student pair, and it instantly recognised them.

'Holy shit, Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl!' it screamed when it saw them, while they were not in their full card costumes it could still recognise them both from having seen their card pictures so many times.

'I guess I'm in the spirit world then, freaky,' it thought, as Dark Magician came over and began to examine the carvings on the floor around them.

'Hey that's a little harsh isn't it,' it thought when it heard Dark Magician scold Dark Magician Girl, 'it's still extremely impressive breaching worlds like that' it thought to itself, still unable to speak but stopped when it heard the last part Dark Magician said.

'So I can't go back then,' it thought, it didn't know whether to feel happy or sad about that, on one side he had no desire to return to whatever that darkness was, but on the other side of things it meant he'd never be able to even have a chance of seeing his friends and family again.

"What!" Dark Magician Girl said in shock hearing her Master explain what it was she had brought over, "B-But how, don't human souls normally take on an astral form here"

"Usually," Dark Magician stated, "However that is with souls connected to our human world, those souls possess Ba and Ka, soul and spirit, in equal measures which allow their astral forms to manifest, this one however comes from a world without Ka and thus cannot manifest its form" he explained before turning to the soul.

"You have my apologies for my foolish apprentice's actions in pulling you here from your eternal rest, sadly because of her lack of experience in this area it will be impossible to return you to your worlds afterlife" Dark Magician explained.

"Wait, it can hear us!" Dark Magician Girl yelped in shock before quickly bowing repeatedly in apology to the soul, "I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to drag anyone into things that didn't concern them."

"Your intention or not doesn't matter any more, apprentice, your actions caused this and thus you will have to take responsibility for it" Dark Magician scolded making his Apprentice stand up and nod.

"Yes Master, tell me how can I fix this," She said earnestly wanting to fix this mistake she had made.

Dark Magician nodded before looking back to the soul, "First we need to talk with the soul here, but as it is currently incapable of communicating with us we will need to provide it with Ka so that it might be able to do so" he said before looking to Dark Magician Girl, "I will form a connection between it and you so that you can share some of your Ba with it to start the process"

Dark Magician girl nodded as her master raised his staff and as the tip of his staff flashed a etherial purple tether connected both before disappearing.

The soul gave a jolt from the connection and rose higher off the ground as it began to slowly expand and take on a humanoid shape, still floating in the air.

"Whow, that was freaky," the soul spoke aloud, its voice sounded tinny and staticy to the pair of Magicians.

"Yes, it will take some time for you to absorb enough ba to take on a proper form, but for now this should do," Dark magician explained.

"It won't hurt her will it, from what I understand Ka is like life force, I don't want to hurt her by taking from her" the soul spoke concerned.

His concern made Dark Magician shake his head as Dark Magician Girl quickly waved her hands.

"Oh you don't have to worry about me, spirits like me have loads of Ka. It's why we live for so long, so I have more than enough to give you, I won't even notice it." She explained.

"That's good," the soul said, sounding relieved.

"Indeed, now if we could get back to the matter at hand," Dark Magician stated, "as I previously said, we are unable to return you to your afterlife, and until you have absorbed enough Ba I do not believe it would be wise for you to move on to our human worlds afterlife."

"Honestly I would prefer not to go on to any afterlife," the soul stated.

"All have their time to live and their time to die," Dark Magician said, "I'm sure you lived a good life."

"Yes, if a short seventeen years is what you call good," the soul said, "I barely lived at all before I died of a sickness that was the cause of a global pandemic back in my world. And then when I died I was just in pitch darkness, no heaven or hell or whatever just darkness, I'd rather not go back to anything like that. So in a way I'm grateful for being pulled out of that."

Dark Magician frowned but nodded, "I see, perhaps a compromise then," he voiced with a nod, "I could see if I could scry you up a body in our human world, so that you may return to life by taking it over so that you may live once more."

"You can do that!" the soul asked with shock in its tone.

"I can, it would be the best alternative to fix what my apprentice has done," Dark Magician stated, "however you will need to remain close to my apprentice for a few months until your Ba and Ka have stabilized so that your soul will not detach from your new body"

"I wouldn't mind, if it helps to fix what I've done," Dark Magician girl said with a smile and a nod, wanting to do what she could to make up for what she did.

"That would be perfect," the soul said, if it had a mouth it would be smiling from ear to ear.

Dark Magician nodded and with a wave of his staff erased the carvings on the ground before they were replaced with his own magical array that began to glow instantly as glowing transparent sphere appeared around them as he began his search, images flickering across the spheres faster and faster as he watched them for several moments before finally all but one faded away.

"Here," Dark Magician said as he expanded the sphere to show a young teen boy laying on his bed in a dark room, "this is the closest I could find to your past age and gender who has recently passed away"

The soul looked at the image in the sphere, the teen looked to be about fifteen years old, chin length black hair cut short in the back framing either side of his face, pale skin and a skinny build. Taking in the scene a bit more there was an empty pill bottle and a folded note on a bedside table, it didn't take a genus to work out what had happened here was a suicide.

'Well if this guy has already given up the ghost he can't complain if I take over his body then,' the soul thought to himself before nodding, "Looks good."

"I'm glad you approve, now hold still" Dark Magician stated before once more raising his staff and with a push send the sphere towards the soul making it vanish into thin air.

"Well guess I'll be going now," Dark Magician Girl said as her Master then directed the sphere to her.

"Indeed, I will expect you back in two months, that should be long enough to stabilize his Ka, but the connection between the two of you will remain regardless, he's your responsibility now" Dark Magician stated.

"Of course Master, I promise I won't screw up again," Dark Magician girl stated before the sphere touched her and she vanished as well.

Chapter word count: 1434

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