Fanfiction writer, Author, Nice guy Origional username Psychopath556 on Follow me on Twitter to be kept up to date on the progress of my fictions :
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Please don’t pussy foot around any more, you’re OP, the goblins are no longer a problem, and Malfoy would never spread the info without your permission, they’re scared shitless of him and are now in his debt, he needs proper allies right now
So it’s very likely his portrait will recognise him… well that would be one way to convince Lucy lol
Now fire… okay I’m at a loss
Either it’s an Alolan Raichu or a Psychic type battling an electric type
Good choice~
Meowth would have been a better choice in my book, pay day would have meant a little more income and who can resist petting a Persian.
Well if that’s the case he can easily put Cersei’s affair with Jamie, and not feel guilty about it in the slightest, if the other two were alive I would have advised him to deal with it quietly, but with just that sadistic little fucker being alive he can toss him and Cirsei to the wolves without a drop of regret
Yes, she’s much better than Sansa, even with you fixing her up
With how those guys are trained… he doesn’t stand a snowballs chance in hell or a Starks chance in kings landing of making him slip up
Dude, accounting was good, it’s important for managing money