
Looking for a new ship and a new crewmate

The next day we continue on with our journey after saying goodbye to Gaimon and his animals.

Nothing special happens on our journey to the next island, Luffy fishing in the boat looking for extra meals, Zoro sleeping like a cat while snoring, Nami steering the boat and I am grinding all my skills to leveling it up and watching "TWICE videos" on youtube from my phone when I'm bored.

We finally arrive in Syrup Village, where we met Usopp, who claimed to be the leader of the Usopp Pirates. This group is composed of Usopp and three loyal village children: Tamanegi, Ninjin, and Piiman. The Usopp Pirates cause no real trouble, but frequently annoy the villagers, most often by giving false warnings of attacking pirates.

Soon we head towards the restaurant inside the village to eat. Luffy quickly became friend with Usopp when Luffy discovers he is the son of Yasopp, one of the pirates in Shanks' crew. They chat a lot talking about Shanks and his pirate crews.

When Ussop heard we are pirates and looking for a new ship. He offers to join us if they let him become the captain. We just ignore him and keeps eating. He then proposes to meet his friend Kaya who is bedridden, but is well-provided for by her two butlers, Merry and Klahadore. Ussop said Merry has a ship that's not being used for so many years.

"Come on follow me! I'll take you guys to meet Kaya." Ussop asked us to follow him.

We then head towards Kaya's house, soon we reach the door gate of Kaya's house. When we tried to enter suddenly Klahadore came out of the house glancing at Ussop and told us not to disturb Kaya since she is still sick and sleeps in her bedroom.

I don't want to prolongs Kaya's suffering and also to prevent Kuro from harming Merry and my crewmates, I need to take action immediately.

After Klahadore/Kuro finish speaking I used soru and instantly arrived behind him while choking him and holding both of his hands behind his back to prevents him from moving.

"What are you doing here Kuro the leader of Black Cat Pirates? Aren't you supposed to caught by marines back then?" I asked him.

Luffy, Ussop, Zoro and Nami were suprised by my action.

"What are you doing? He is Kaya's butler." Ussop said.

Soon Merry and Kaya heading downstairs and came out from the door after hearing the ruckus downstairs.

They too were suprised watching me choking Kuro from behind while holding his hands behind his back.

I then start explaining to them about Klahadore/Kuro real identity as a pirate captain.

At first they don't believe me, so I told Nami to check behind my pocket and grab a poster in it.

(I pick this poster on Shells town back then and start preparing for this moment.)

When Nami grab the wanted poster and check it out she then unfurled it so that everyone can see the poster.

On the poster they can see Klahadore's face with different name on it.



Kuro "The black Cat Captain"

7 millions bellies

Dead or Alive


They all got shock from the revelation, especially Ussop, Merry and Kaya.

I then start interrogating Kuro about his purpose pretending to be a butler in this island.

Since I need to pretends that I don't know Kuro. I need to used the old method by interrogating him using violences. I breaks all of his joints so he can't use his skills on anyone in the house. I did it inside a closed door so the girls will not get scared.

After a few hours of interrogation he finally confess that he killed Kaya's parents on the sea. From that moment on, he planned to take all of their wealths and live a normal live after getting tired being chased by marines everyday on the sea. He also tell us that his crews will come to this island tomorrow.

When Kaya heard that her parents was killed by Kuro, she start crying while Merry and Ussop tried to cheer her up.

We then prepared everything to fight those pirates tomorrow.

The next day when the Black Cat pirates arrive near the shore, we immediatelly start jumping in to their ship and bring the fights in to them.

Luffy, Zoro and me fights in their ship while Ussop attacking from a distance with his sling shot.

When all the black cat pirates got defeated, we tied them up and broke the rudder on their ship and let them afloat towards the middle of the ocean.

We then go back to Kaya's house and start celebrating our victory.

While we were celebrating, I make a suggestion to Luffy to take bounty money from Kuro. So me and Zoro with the tied up Kuro sail with our earlier boat towards the nearest marine base.


3 days later me and Zoro got back to Syrup village and head towards Kaya's house after receiving the money from Kuro's bounty. Since no one knows that we are a pirates yet, we can still cash in the bounty of the pirates that we catched using Zoro's status as a famous bounty hunter.

After we arrived at Kaya's house, Luffy tells us that Merry has given his ship "Going Merry" to us as a thank you for saving this island. Nami also welcoming us with a belly sign on her eyes and asking where's the money. I told her that the money is safe in my inventory so no one can steal it from us. She then just pouting her mouth and and start drawing circle on the floor. Ussop also start claiming himself as the captain of going merry and will take a good care of it.

(I told them that my phone ate a devil fruit, soulbound it self to me when I found it by accident.)

Since in this world, apparently, even unliving things like swords can get power by eating devil fruits just like the sword of the leader of cp9 Spandam. So they all believe my story easily.

(I don't even know how those swords can eat devil fruits)

We plan to rest for a day and travels tomorrow to continue our journey with our new ship "Going Merry".

While resting I start editing the video and start uploading it to the app. The video start from our journey in Orange town until Syrup village. So the duration of the video is rather long for more than 2 hours duration.


Back on earth

The popularity of Dan's channel is going beyond youtube. Since the last update his channel in youtube officially has the most subscribers on the planet, reaching a shocking 268 million subscribers. Each of his video has more than 1 billion views, since many people like to play the videos multiple times watching it over and over again.

Some news channel even start making news and headlines about it. They even put some clips or a whole clips from Dan's channel on their tv station so that many people at home who don't know youtube can watch it from home. Many websites also start playing the videos on their own sites.

Youtube ignore those tv stations and websites who take the clips from Dan's channel, since they too can't do anything about Dan's channel. Also as the uploader it's Dan's job to complaint first if the other party is using his video without his knowledge.

Since no one on the planet can contact the uploader, some people start believing that the video is real. So many newstations starting a debate shows about the video being real or not by inviting top cgi staff in to their shows.


So when people notices that Dan's channel release a new videos with a long duration. The news start spreading fast to the rest of the world.

So a big war start commencing on the comment sections of the new video that has the title "journey in onepiece world in another universe part 4". (Zoro video was part 3)

Comment section :

"First *proud emoji*"

"omigod, nami is so pretty. Plisss marry me!"

"lol ussop character really has long nose"

"How come they defeat Kuro so fast, they need to make it longer"

"holly shit! The scenes where buggy got cut to pieces looks so freaking real"

"Help! I got pregnant watching Zoro's sleeping pose"

"damn those melon of nami's is already big enough and will it turns to papayas after the timeskip?"

"preach for the team who makes this movie"

"blackpink in your area"

"I swear to god! I will travel around the world from now on to find the girl who plays Nami and make her my wife"

"good luck with that, since she is in my bed sleeping while naked *smirk*"

"fuck you!!"

"blackpink in your area"

"those animals on the mysterious island is so cute"

"I work in film industry and in my proffesional opinion they don't use cgi at all, so all the creatures in the videos are real"

"crazy people start claiming as a proffesional workers lmao"

"me too, i as a proffesional doctor claims those boobies of nami's are real"

"lol lol lol lol lol"


"blackpink in your area"

"This account above me always typing the same sentences every 30 seconds"

"ignore those kpopers, they are crazy"

"thanks for making the video longer uploader-nim"

"Dan please marry me"

"please cast kimtaehyung from bts as the future coby!"

"i wanna see more buggy, uploader please make a video about mini buggy journey"

"please make hentai irl"

"Nami is so pretty"

"keren videonya, bikin lagi bang yang banyak episodenya jangan berhenti ngeupload"

"please make solo leveling in real life too please please please"

"tzuyu and sana from twice i love you"

"more videos please"

"please cast mina from twice as tashigi, she is perfect for the role"

"zoro is badass"

"preach for their cgi team"

"serasa nonton bioskop euy, filmnya ampe 2 jam keren beut dah"

"more more more"

"to person above me, is that TWICE title song?"

"no i mean more videos"

"ich lie be dich"

"pengen nenen cucu nami"

"ussop's nose is longer than my dick *sad emoji*"

"thanks for the video"

"this dan is ruining the plot, fired him please!"

"dan is the uploader you idiot"

"thank you so much for the video"

"blackpink in your area"

"is no one gonna talk about kaya? She is pretty too you know"

"where are the sea kings scene? Can you add godzilla when filming about sea kings later? Tell your cgi teams to make godzilla please!"

"wo ai ni"

"i love this kind of video"

"nice movies, you should release it on cinema to make more money"

"banyakan orang asing komen, orang indonya pada ke mana?"


"males komen ga ngerti bahasa inggris *laugh emoji*"

"blackpink in your area"

"thanks dan-sama for the video"

