
Set 306

There was this guy who went weeping to his best friend.

The friend asked "What is the matter? Why are you crying?"

He replied "Yesterday night was my first night with my wife and as I used to go to red light area, I handed my wife a hundred rupee note in the morning by mistake"

The friend said "Ok forget it, go to your wife, apologize and tell her that you will never do that again"

He replied "I am not worried about that"

The friend said: "then what is your problem?"

"My wife has given me a fifty rupeee back as change" pat came the reply.


Love, Lust, or Marriage?

How do you know if you're in love, in lust, or really married? For those of you who have any questions, or misplaced envy, this should clear it up:

LOVE - When your eyes meet across a crowded room.

LUST - When your tongues meet across a crowded room.

MARRIAGE - When you lose your child in crowded room.

LOVE - When intercourse is called "making love."

LUST - When intercourse is called "screwing."

MARRIAGE - What the hell are you talking about?

LOVE - When you share everything you own.

LUST - When you steal everything they own.

MARRIAGE - When the bank owns everything.

LOVE - When it doesn't matter if you don't climax.

LUST - When the relationship is over if you don't climax.

MARRIAGE - What's a climax?

LOVE - When you write poems about your partner.

LUST - When all you write is your phone number.

MARRIAGE - When all you write is cheques.

LOVE - When you show concern for your partner's feelings.

LUST - When you couldn't give a &*%$

MARRIAGE -When your only concern is what's on TV.

LOVE - When your farewell is "I love you, darling..."

LUST - When your farewell is "So, same time next week..."

MARRIAGE - When your farewell is a relief.

LOVE - When you are proud to be seen in public with your partner.

LUST - When you only see each other naked.

MARRIAGE - When you never see each other awake.

LOVE - When your heart flutters every time you see them.

LUST - When your groin twitches every time you see them.

MARRIAGE - When your wallet empties every time you see them.

LOVE - When nobody else matters.

LUST - When nobody else knows.

MARRIAGE - When everybody else matters and you don't care who knows.

LOVE - When all the songs on the radio describe exactly how you feel.

LUST - When the song on the radio determines how you do it.

MARRIAGE - When you listen to talk radio.

LOVE - When breaking up is something you try not to think about.

LUST - When staying together is something you try not to think about.

MARRIAGE - When just getting through today is your only thought.

LOVE - When you're only interested in doing things with your partner.

LUST - When you're only interested in doing things TO your partner.

MARRIAGE - When you're only interested in your golf score.