
Your Chains that Bind Me(BL)

"These blue flowers reminds me of you and our time we spent together" - Vincent Leondale "We were separated for 13 years because of a simple mistake, now that I've returned, You're still the same person I fell in love with" - Noah Wisteria I remember that this is the same time I was separated with him, and yet it was raining heavily that day as if it was also sad for my unexpected departure. But today, it's as if the weather was welcoming me back. Noah Wisteria, The second-born son of the Wisteria Family and Vincent Leondale, The first-born son of the Leondale Family. What chains of event's shall be presented to this pair of childhood sweethearts when they are reunited at last. Will they find out what occurred 13 years ago? And why were the neighboring continent, Calsithea in disarray?

Nox_Louis · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter VI - My Strawberries, The Foundation Part 2

"The Origins is about the creator and about the races in our world, Maria leanna, created our world, Of course, some say this isn't his/her real name as he/she existed even before the people knew he/she existed. The People referred to Maria leanna as a woman, Maria meaning 'Beloved' while Leanna meaning 'Light/Beautiful woman'.

She then proceed to create the environment and its inhabitants. Then, She called upon her guardians whom the people now calls and worships as Gods and Goddesses. She called upon them and each gave them a task, Half of them would govern light while the other would govern the Dark.

Then she created the Spirits who governs the elements we used which is the start of Magic Foundation, the Spirits helped the Gods and Goddesses with tasks and in return, they lived in harmony." He explained as they all listened carefully.

" As I said earlier, Maria Leanna created the inhabitants. That leads us to Humans, Beastmen, Dwarfs, Elves, Fairies, Dragons, Demons and Angels." He explained. " Angels and Demons? " The twins asked.

"Surprising isn't it? I just somehow knew this, maybe I stumbled upon a book about this when I was little. But yes, Angels are born from the cries of blessings and positive emotions of Gods and people of all races. While Demons are born from the negative and cries of agony and disbelieve, the opposite." Vincent nodded.

Noah stood up from his seat and covered the entire hall with a barrier, [6TH Barrier, Master level]

He said as he went to the center near the large window, [ Domain Spell: Evergreen Forest ] He cast as the surroundings began to change into a lush and bright forest.

"Wow..!" The twins exclaimed as they went down their chairs and touched the grass, "I can feel them!" They both shouted in delight.

Noah smiled, "A domain is something we generate with Magic. This is one of my Domains, The Evergreen Forest." He explained as he let a wild bird land on his finger.

"But how can we touched them?" They asked.

"Hmm... Everything around us right now is the representation of my magic capacity, and you can touch them because this place is real. The Evergreen Forest is one of the protected forest of the Wisteria Family and a domain is a place that is alive." He explained in the most easiest way.

"The Forest became my domain not because I wanted too. But because it's one of the condition I needed to learn about the forest. It was not easy creating a real place to be your own domain, with all it's inhabitants, structure, even the tiny speck of dust is added." He said with such a dark look that the twin laughed.

"Wow! Noah is so cool!" They cheered, Noah laughed at their praises. "You both can do this too, You just have to practice enough and control your magic output." in his Teacher mode.

"Noah! Noah! There's something floating! " He looked around and spotted the floating green orb that landed on his palm, "Master Noah! Why didn't you tell me about visitors!" A small childish voice came from the orb, this resulted in Noah laughing awkwardly and started scratching his cheek.

"I'm sorry Vernon, I really wanted to show them this place." He apologized as the green orb slowly dimmed to reveal a fairy with long dark green hair and a pouting face paired with big-round Gold colored eyes and rosy cheeks. He has transparent wings and his clothes are made of light material which is primarily white.

"Everyone, He is Vernon. My contract fairy and one of the caretakers of this domain. Say hello to them Vernon." He introduced the pouting fairy to Vincent, Twins.

"Wait, he matched the description!" Vernon suddenly said, "What description? " Noah asked.

"Him!" He shouted and pointed at the confused Vincent, "Isn't he the friend you always tell stories about? Like how you and him talked about the political nonsense in your empire and the one who experienced your anger through that heavy storm that resulted in the empire submerged in water for 3 wee-" Vernon suddenly went quiet when he noticed he was inside and enclosed space.

"Hey! I was only telling the truth!" He shouted inside the box as the fairy noticed the strawberry red Noah covering his face from embarrassment, yet he can't hide his red ears. The twins were dumbfounded and Vincent was trying not to laugh and embarrassed Noah further.

"I cleared them up okay!" Noah shouted as he recovers and removed his hands from his still red face.

"Teacher buried the empire in water for 3 weeks..." The twin looked frightened and excited.

"Remember what I told you both earlier? That's the part I left out" Vincent explained as he hold himself back from smiling. "Remembering how the Emperor was seething with anger but quickly cowered when he knew that that Duchess was protecting Noah. He deflated, and that's how we got the extra crates of fresh strawberries for Noah." Vincent said sounding very proud.

"It was not a bad feeling for the Emperor to practically beg to clear the flood." He added that only made Noah redder.

"Vince! " Noah raised his voice to stop Vincent saying anymore.

Vincent just raised his hands as a sign of surrender, "My my...The forest has become quite lively." A sudden elegant voiced came from behind the trees are the grass began to glow and sudden growth of flowers began to show as if opening a path for someone.

Noah smiled as he recognized the soft yet elegant voiced of the man, "Noah Wisteria greets the ruler of the forest, King Aelfdene." He greeted and bowed and everyone around him do so too.

"Child, It has been a while since you have visited us. You even brought some friends." He said as he arrived while riding a large moose, His long hair is a mix of blond which slowly turns in light green as it descend, His clothes are light and are mainly White and green and the clasp are gold, His crown is made from golden branches and holds and round yellow jewel in the middle with seasonal leaves and berries as its decoration. His eyes are gentle and are the shade of gold.

The Ruler of the Forest, Aelfdene. He protected and sealed of the Evergreen Forest to anyone outside the blood of Wisteria, he's one of the Spirit Maria Leanna created. He is the Spirit King of the Forest and Wind, he has a gentle nature and cares deeply for the well-being of the forest he governs.

The lesser spirits of wind are his children from his wife, Elf Queen Elianor. He is the mostly inactive of all seven spirits. The Twin Fire Spirits, Sol and Soleil. The Spirit of Water, Cordelia. The Spirit of Earth, Dale. The Spirit of Light, Lux. The Spirit of Dark, Tenebris and the Spirit of Neutral, Neutrum.

"Let us go to my palace as it seems like these two have some questions for me." He said and smiled at the twins, they nodded in amazement.

"Let us go." He said as a sudden pairs of horses came to greet them one by one.