
Chapter three: A deal's insight

I gripped the dagger and rose it up above my head a bit hesitantly, staring down at White. I let a shaky breath and gripped the dagger tight before bringing it down into his chest hard. Blood splattered a bit, landing a few drops on my cheek. I pulled it back out and plunged it back in repeatedly, slowly blacking out almost in a fit of rage. It took about ten minutes for me to blink back into reality and Adam pulling me off of White, yelling out that he's finally dead. I let out a shaky breath and dropped the dagger as tears rolled down my face. It was more from pent up anger more than it was from sadness or regret of killing him. I slowly calmed down as I stood up and closed my eyes. After a minute, I opened them and looked at Damien, who was now beside me with a wide smile. "You did well, Danielle. I was beginning to have my doubts but obviously I was proven wrong." He chuckled a bit and gave a small bow of his head, showing a bit of respect for me killing White. I smiled softly and bowed mine in return. "Now then, time to bring his with me," Damien said as he kneeled beside the body while pulling out a chain and collar. He held the collar by the chain loop with two fingers before letting go of it over White's neck, latching onto something invisible. My eyes widened in disbelief and I tilted my head a bit. Oh shit, that seems really interesting, I thought to myself as I looked at the chain before looking at Damien. "I see that this has caught your attention," he smiled at me as he held it to me. "Give it a pull, why don't you? It's quite alright." I took it and gripped it tight before yanking hard on it. What came out of the body sent a chill down my body and I went pale. It nearly terrified me when I saw the thing that has been inside of him to the point where I almost puked.

The thing that came out of the body wasn't even remotely human anymore. It was a wheezing, dripping, maggot filled being with dark eye sockets with red dots in the middle. The smell rising off of it smelt so horrible that it filled up the room so thickly and almost made me gag. I couldn't take it anymore and I could tell that Damien knew due to the look on his face. He took the chain and headed to the door, almost dragging the creature behind. Before walking out, he turned to me and smiled emotionlessly before speaking. "Letting you know, this isn't even the worst one I've seen. If you want to be the heir then I'm suggesting you get used to seeing some pretty gruesome shit. Plus, don't worry about the body and stuff. I'll have someone else to clean it up." And he was gone as quickly as he had came. I finally let out a shaky breath and nearly collapsed to the ground before Adam quickly came over and caught me. "Whoa, careful. Don't pass out on us." I could tell he was still tense from Damien being he and tossing him around like he was nothing. I pushed myself up and away from him as I stumbled up but catching myself. "I'm fine. Just let me be for a second," I said as I ran a hand through my hair, almost every part of me shaking hard. He pulled away but stayed right beside me, just in case. After a minute, I finally calmed down. I then looked at the girl who had surrendered back to the corner and I let out a soft sigh. I walked over to her and kneeled down in front of her. She whimpered and crawled back as much as she could, fear showing on her face more than ever.

I held my breath a bit before speaking in a soft, cool voice. "There is nothing to afraid of anymore. He's not going to hurt you no more. I can promise you that." I smiled at the best I could to show her that I meant it. She immediately jumped into my arms and cried loudly as she wrapped her small arms around me. At first, I didn't know what to do but I eventually wrapped my arms around her and held her. We stayed like that for a bit before I stood up and picked her up, turning to Adam. "We need to get her somewhere safer. This place is no longer a place for her to stay." He nodded and took her from my hands before heading to the door, walking out and leaving me in the office. I felt sick. Felt sick the whole time but didn't show it in front of them. I kneeled in front of the trash can by the desk and started to puked hard into it. My stomach couldn't take it anymore. What I just witnessed made me so nauseous, I almost thought I was dying. Damien was right. If I was going to be heir, I was going to have to get used to things like that. I let out a choked laugh and shook my head. What a lousy heir I'm becoming, I thought to myself. I stood back up after I felt a bit better and walked out of the office. I walked down the hallway and turned the corner to see some guards heading my way. I immediately turned around and headed in the other direction. I kept my head down and hoped they didn't follow me or got their suspensions about me due to the fact that I had blood splattered on my shirt.

I heard their footsteps behind me turn down the hallway heading to White's office. I panicked as heard their disappearing footsteps vanish from range. I turned down another corner and saw Adam at the end with the girl. I felt a small bit of relief as I ran down to meet them. "Guards are everywhere, I swear," I said as I got to them, looking behind me to see if anyone was behind me. "I know. We need to find a way out. A spot with less of them around." I thought for a minute before it hit me. I remembered a place where we can escape through but it was risky. "I know where we can escape through," I exclaimed a bit excitedly. Adam looked at me with a confused look on his face as he tilted his head. "Remember the tunnels you found me going through the first time we met?" Slow realization came to his face when he knew what I was talking about. "I almost forgot about them. I wonder if they blocked them off yet. Let's hope not." I smiled softly and looked behind me. "If we wanna leave, we better do it now so don't get caught, alright?" He nodded and held onto the girl more as we went back the way we can. I peaked around the corner reluctantly and made sure no one was on the other side. The guards from before were standing a hallway over talking to each other. Probably about what happened in White's office. "Shit," I whispered under my breath. I scowled and huffed softly before looking away. "We gotta find some way around them or something to distract them." I peeked back around to see if they were still there and nearly choked when I saw them coming our way. I pushed Adam away from the corner and started running with him behind me.

Before they turned the corner, we quickly ducked into a close by room. I shut the door quietly before they walked past it. Luckily, they didn't notice it click shut but I was still tense as I listened to their disappearing footsteps going down the hall. I listened more till I couldn't hear them anymore. I held my breath as I slowly peeked out the room and looked around to see anyone around. Gladly, the hall was empty but I was still tense as I stepped out. I gestured for Adam and the girl to followed as I looked around. We ran down the way the guards came from and continued towards the direction of the tunnels. Everything was fine until I heard voices from the end of the hall. Shit! Not again! I grimaced and clenched my fists together as they got closer and closer. I looked around frantically for something to use but came up short. Until I remembered something. "Adam, let me use your gun," I said as I turned to him quickly. I immediately took it before he even could udder a word. I cocked back and made sure there was some bullets in it before turning my attention to the approaching footsteps. I aimed and fired as soon as the guard came around the corner, making him drop his gun before he fell to the ground with a loud thud. Shortly after the first shot, the other two guards started firing at me. I took a few more shots at them and hit them directly in the head. I smiled softly and felt accomplished when they didn't get up or move. That was until what came around next made me go extremely pale and stare in disbelief as it came into view. "No fucking way! I thought he was dead!"