
Young Justice: Magic 101

Magic 101. The simplest guide to magic possible. Just ignore the complications and pretend that everything is alright. Why question the technicalities? It's magic. Just roll with it. __ I don't own anything.

Silent_Dancer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter Three

"What's with the getup?"

I asked, a magic circle shifting in a methodical motion above my hand as I worked on the solution for the little problem we would have in the future.

Rachel glanced my way, adjusting her cloak self-consciously, the small tells that she was still a teenage girl.

"I want to help people..."

I hummed, so she was planning to join the rag-tag group of kids the Justice League put together with their side-kicks... Bummer.

I sighed, the magic circle disappearing from my palm as I waved my hand and reached into the empty space next to me, my hand disappearing up to my wrist and pulling out my cane.

"Are you sure? Don't you want to... I don't know, deal with that little thing on your forehead?"

She looked to the side, her hand twitching slightly, seemingly wanting to reach for the said gem that was holding back the avatar of her father.

"That can... Wait. I can help people while you figure out a way to prevent him from coming to earth..."

I smiled a little, still a little naive, but hey, I doubt any fourteen-year-old wouldn't be. Just look at me, I shit on the whole Justice League every chance I get.

"The job of a hero can be a little..."

I hummed, looking for the word.

"Straining on your emotions, if you're sure, I won't stop you, but I will be there to monitor the effect your emotional state has on your magic and the good old Satan."

Her deadpan got harder.


I grinned.



"Hello Kiddies, I am here to bring you a new member to your rag-tag group of junior heroes."

I smiled at the said team that consisted of a Batman wannabe called Robin, aka, my little brother in name. Aquaman wannabe, called... Aquaboy? I dunno, never bothered to learn. Flash wannabe, called Kid Flash, Superman wannabe, called Superboy, and finally, Martian manhunter wannabe called... Miss Martian, I think.

I know, their names give no credit to the "We are not just sidekicks" shtick, but whatever, nobody accused them of being original.

"Hello to you too, Sentinel..."

Robin greeted, standing in the middle of the ground with crossed arms. While Kid Flash waved absently.

"Yo dude, long time no see."

The Aqualad, oh right, Aqualad, that's his name, nodded in greeting while the other two, whom I had never met before, were looking at me curiously.

Stepping to the side, I presented them to Rachel, who chose to go by the name "Raven", for the time being.

"This is Raven, don't be thrown off by her unshakable facial expression, because she does not hate you specifically-"

I chuckled.

"She hates everyone equally, so none of you are special."

Robin glared at me from under his domino mask, I could tell, and he could also tell that I just insulted the whole team while making a single joke.

Ignoring Both his and Rachel's stares, I pushed the latter forward with my cane, encouraging her to introduce herself.

She stepped forward, looking at the team for a moment.


Wow, such vocabulary, much shock, Impressive display, much surprise.

Keeping my smile on, I watched the team greet the newcomer, the most enthusiastic being Miss Martian, who took on the name of Megan Morse.

Ignoring the girl talk Megan was trying to initiate with Rachel, I turned to Robin, tilting my head to the side.

"Whattup squirt? Used any ants to ride into battle lately?"

He scowled and I smirked.

"Stop joking around for a moment, did batman approve of this?"

I nodded to his question. Batman had... Protests, but men, he'll get over it, I was here to monitor things.

"Yup, I am also here to keep an eye on things, make sure nothing bad happens, you know, the usual."

He groaned and I chuckled, my shoulders shaking in mirth as I patted him on the head with my cane... Okay, I bonked him on the head with my stick.

He slapped it aside and glared before turning to the side and walking off.

Aw, wasn't he just adorable?

I looked over to Rachel again... and saw Kid flash flirting with her, and with the unimpressed look she was giving him, I could tell he did not appreciate it one bit. But who would? he had no game. The only thing he could pull was the push door... True story, by the way.

I chuckled again, pulling out a book from my pocket dimension and walked over to the couch, sitting down and opening it to the runes of my own creation to come up with a way to prevent dimetional travel.

And also to find a way to put a large, compressed space into a larger, compressed space, and rinse and repeat a few dozen times.

Besically, I had a lot of work ahead of me.