
Young Justice: Magic 101

Magic 101. The simplest guide to magic possible. Just ignore the complications and pretend that everything is alright. Why question the technicalities? It's magic. Just roll with it. __ I don't own anything.

Silent_Dancer · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter Two

"So... you chant?"

I asked, looking at the girl, Rachel, with a raised eyebrow.


Her monotone voice would have rivaled Bruce, but he was on another level when he went all broody brood mode as I liked to call it.

"Well, no wonder you got captured, Do you know any silent spells?"

She was unimpressed by my discrediting of spell chanting but ignored it in favor of shaking her head in a negative. I sighed, getting a feel of her mana reserves that dwarfed mine twofold, but I didn't tend to rely on them much.

"Alright, so you're telling me, your dad is literally satan-"


"Satan. And you need help to prepare for his... what? Arrival to this world to conquer it?"

She nodded and I hummed in thought, looking at the gem in her forehead.

"And he is currently in..."

I pointed at the Gem.

"There, trapped..."

Another nod and I pondered. The gem was probably a pocket dimension where his avatar was contained, meaning he couldn't reach Earth by himself, so, the furry wannabe was planning to use his daughter as a gate to enter this plane of existence...

"Give me a few days."

I shrugged and she blinked at me, her eyebrows raised in the first display of emotion I have seen from her since the day I rescued her, which was literally yesterday.

"You plan to solve the problem of Trigon conquering the earth... In a few days?"

I shrugged and shoved my hands in my pockets, that was pretty much it.

"Your tea, master Adam, lady Rachel."

The man, the myth, the legend, Alfred, poured us jasmine tea and I smiled at him, nodding in appreciation.

"Master Bruce wants you to meet him in the cave along with lady rachel in an hour for her "Checkup", he told me you would understand what he meant."

I nodded in understanding.

"Thank you, Alfred."

He nodded back and walked out of the room, leaving the two of us alone. I sipped on the delicious tea and sighed in contentment, wish I could make tea like this.

"How long have you been practicing magic?"

I looked at Rachel, raising an eyebrow at her question and pondering for a moment.

"About six years, I think?"

I offered her a shrug, not really knowing what else to offer her. My whole backstory? Hell nah. That needed to be saved for later to be revealed in a dramatic moment, naturally.

"Are you a hero? Like the others?"

I hummed, placing one leg over the other and lacing my fingers together after putting down the tea cup on the plate.

"I wouldn't call myself a hero."

My shoulders moved up in another, careless shrug.

"I like the help out where I can, but I have my own reasons for doing the things that I do."

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow, but I didn't bother elaborating, I had no idea what my reasons were, either.


"Well, you ended up being useless."

I pointed out, looking at Zatara with a deadpan. The older man with a pointy mustache stared back at me impassively.

"Now, could you possibly explain why you refuse to help the girl who warned us that a literal Satan is going to come to earth in a few years?"

He was about to answer when I raised my cane, tilting it side to side in a negative gesture.

"Actually, I don't wanna know, just leave, you were useless please reconsider that choice in the future."

I smiled at him as he scowled, and turned around, following his example, unfortunately, I turned to Rachel and smiled at her... And Batman.

"Must you antagonize him?"

I shrugged, and twirled my stick around, putting it on the ground with a click and leaning on it.

"What can I say? When I see people that make questionable decisions, I just have to make them feel stupid."

I shrugged, ignoring the flare of magic that came from the man who talked backward and teleported out.

Patting the girl on her head, I turned to exit the cave, a smile on my face.

"Anyway, anyone up for pancakes?"

The two that were definitely about to agree to my suggestion were cut off by the giant screen turning red from its usual blue and Batman rushed over, pressing a few buttons and the screen showed... A robot throwing hurricanes at a group of kids...

Man, I was so jealous, if I did that it would be considered "Illegal".

"The team is having trouble..."

He muttered and seemed to be thinking for a moment before straightening up and just... watching.

"Not gonna help them or anything? Just gonna watch?"

I asked, leaning on my cane again with my forearm.

"They need to deal with threats on their own, we won't always be there to help out."

I hummed.

"Sounds like shitty parenting to me."