
Young Justice: Copy Wheel Eye

Sadness…Confusion…Hatred… These are the emotions he carries as he roams the fictional world. Where men in tights fly and shoot lasers from their eyes. What chance does he have to survive if he remains weak? After all, to take his revenge he needs…power!

Arokey · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs

Chapter 79: A Talk

In a forested area on the outskirts of Tokyo, Sora leisurely strolled with a content expression on his face.

He walked until he reached a heavily disturbed area in the forest, the trees and bushes in different states of destruction or damage. Despite the clear signs that there was something dangerous there, he didn't look concerned at all.

Standing in front of what used to be a tree, he closed his eyes as his chakra pulsed briefly. The ground rumbled as he felt something moving towards him, something large.

Not more then 10 seconds later, a gigantic dark blue snake shot out of the bushes towards him. The snake was as more than three times the size of grown elephant and over three times longer than a normal snake.

Despite the dangerous creature rushing at him, he stood still, watching as it made a full stop in front of him and hissing loudly.

"It's good to see you too, Aoda." Sora said in response to the hissing as he stretched out his hand to pet the creature. The snake now identified as Aoda lowered its head, allowing Sora's hand to pet it.

"Ssora…" It hissed out in a raspy yet happy manner.

Aoda was just a simple snake when Sora bought him from an exotic pet store. Sora had once lamented about the fact that Manda and the other snake summons didn't exist, thereby rendering any summoning moot.

He had then resolved to create his own, hence the creation of Aoda. It was more of mutation and evolution rather than creation. With the use of alchemy, he had created a mutagen solution that would a creature to evolve beyond normal limits.

Of course a single dose wasn't enough. He had spent three painstaking months giving his pet snake small doses until he got to the size he currently was but even that was not enough for Sora.

What use was a summon who was barely intelligent enough to understand anything. Fortunately, the mutagen had also evolved the reptiles brain functions, making his work easier as he only needed to provide adequate brain stimulants to kickstart the learning process.

As of this moment, Aoda could hold small but slow conversations. It was a continuous work in progress of which he was eager to see the end result.

The forest was surrounded by an invisible barrier to keep people out. It was of course put up by Sora with the intention of keeping Aoda from getting loose in the worst case scenario.


"To what do I owe the honor of this visit?" Sora asked as he sat in his living room, a familiar guest standing in front of him.

"Master Bruce needs your assistance." The elderly voice of the Wayne manor's butler said as he stood in front of Sora.

"And why would that be? If he needs something, why not come and ask in person?" He said as his narrow eyes inspected Alfred.

"As much as we would both like that, master Bruce is not in the condition to see anyone." Alfred admitted with a frown.

Sora's eyes observed the man's minute gestures and facial expression. There were signs or worry, hope and urgency in the man's body language that he tried to cover up. Had it been anyone else, they wouldn't notice it but Sora was very observant.

"Explain." He said simply as the butler began telling his tale.

"In recent events since your last visit, master Bruce has been very busy and has become more than a bit agitated. I believe the joker noticed this and decided to use it to his advantage."

"Somehow, he had managed to make a deal with Dr Jonathan Crane, also known as Scarecrow and acquired an more…lethal version of the his fear gas." He explained as Sora took in his words.

"At the moment, Master Grayson is watching him." He said as Sora finally spoke up.

"I'd think that Batman of all people would have a cure to Scarecrow's fear gas." Sora commented only for Alfred to shake his head.

"That's the problem. We tried the antidote but it didn't work. It barely lasted a few seconds before in his system before it was destroyed by the toxins." Alfred answered gravely.

"What makes you so certain that I can be of help or that I'll even help you?" Sora questioned.

"I'm not. I'm merely hoping that you would lend us your assistance. Master Bruce always spoke highly of you and I would like to trust his judgement." The butler said but Sora could see the desperation in the man as clear as day.

Bruce was his charge that he had raised from the moment his parents died. Seeing him in such a state where he could possibly die was heart wrenching for the old man.

While Sora wasn't a good person by any chance, he also wasn't a bad person. He just did things mostly according to his whim and curiosity.

With an audible sigh, Sora stood up from the chair he comfortably sat on.

'I guess I've dragged this on long enough…' He thought as he looked the man in the eye.

"Let's get going, shall we?" He said as he walked forward to meet the man, his hand going forward to grip his shoulder as the disappeared with a black flash.


The two appeared in a familiar cave, startling both the butler and the boy they met there.

"What the hell!? Alfred? What is he doing here?" The boy wonder asked as he tried to get over the sudden shock of them appearing in the batcave without warning.

Ignoring the boy, Sora's eyes scanned the cave, quickly finding his target. It wasn't a pretty sight even for him. Alfred had downplayed the seriousness of the situation.

Bruce lay unconscious and shirtless on a bed in the middle of the cave, what seemed to black root patterns of liquid growing and pulsing under his skin. Other than that, his body was also littered with cuts, bruises and old scars.

"Fear not Master Grayson. He's here to help." The butler said, surprising the boy.

"He is? How?" He started questioning only for Sora to cut him off.

"Save your questions for later. Get me two syringes." He ordered as the boy wonder reluctantly reluctantly followed his instructions, quickly fetching them.

He took the first syringe, aiming for a part of Bruce's skin that the roots he spread to before piercing it with the instrument.

Under Robin's watchful eyes, he extracted some of Bruce's blood which looked more like black paint than blood.

He gave the syringe to Robin who took it in confusion.

"Prepare the lab equipments you have." He said curtly, turning his attention to his patient as the boy wonder left to follow his instructions.

[Name: Bruce Wayne/Batman]

[Race: Human]

[Title: The Dark Knight]

[Fealty: Justice League]

[Health: 28%/100%][Poisoned]

[Batman is the alias of Bruce Wayne, a wealthy American playboy, philanthropist, and industrialist who resides in Gotham City. He is a billionaire playboy by day and Gotham's protector at night.]

[Powers: None]

[Emotions: Pain]

[Note: He is your father.]

Pulling out a vial containing a green liquid from his inventory, he filled the second syringe with its content.

Aiming at the same place he drew blood earlier, he stuck the syringe in his skin and injected the liquid into the dying man.

It didn't take long for Sora's administration to take effect. The black liquid under Bruce's skin began fading away as the liquid he injected him with, dealt with them.

"What was that?" Alfred asked as Robin hurried back in, pushing a table with a large array of equipment on it.

"A formula I put together a while ago. It'll purge his body of whatever Joker hit him with and clear up any hidden taint or poison that could be hiding in his body." He explained as he refilled the syringe with a red fluid from another vial, injecting it into the unconscious man again.

"That should deal with the amount of blood he must have lost before now. It'll vitalize his cells and cause them to create more blood to replenish his body." He explained as Alfred's shoulder relaxed in relief.

"You have my undying gratitude, Master Sora." Alfred said with a deep bow, his body shaking from relief.

Robin was the same but he opted to stay silent with a thoughtful and relieved look on his face.

[Name: Bruce Wayne/Batman]

[Race: Human]

[Title: The Dark Knight]

[Fealty: Justice League]

[Health: 29%/100%]

[Batman is the alias of Bruce Wayne, a wealthy American playboy, philanthropist, and industrialist who resides in Gotham City. He is a billionaire playboy by day and Gotham's protector at night.]

[Powers: None]

[Emotions: None]

[Note: He is your father.]

The disturbed pattern of the man's breathing had calmed down. The toxin had been dealt with but he was still going to take some time to heal due to the natural regenerative limitations of the human body.

With another audible sigh, Sora stretched his hand to Bruce as his palm was enveloped in a soft green light.


Bruce woke up with a pained and tired groan as he blinked the grogginess that threatened to set in.

He looked down at his body in confusion, not seeing any visible signs of the toxin still being in his body. Though he was very tired, he didn't feel any ailment in his body.

"Sora? What are you doing here?" He asked in confusion and shock as he caught sight of Sora at a portable table filled with lab equipment and vials and beakers filled with different liquids.

His eyes then caught sight of Robin seated in the chair beside him, fast asleep but still in costume.

"Ask Alfred. He's the one who requested my help." Sora answered, Bruce's confusion began clearing as he put the pieces together.

The toxin being taken care of, his injuries completely healed and Sora being in the batcave. Slowly getting to his feet, he realized something.

"They're gone…" He muttered under his breath but Sora's enhanced senses easily caught it.

"Yeah. Those scars were unappealing to look at." Sora said casually as he continued what he was doing.

The numerous scars that previously occupied his chest were nowhere to be found as smooth unblemished skin replaced it.

"Bruce, we need to talk." Sora's voice came, shaking the man from his wondering as he looked up to Sora's serious eyes staring into him