
Young Justice: Copy Wheel Eye

Sadness…Confusion…Hatred… These are the emotions he carries as he roams the fictional world. Where men in tights fly and shoot lasers from their eyes. What chance does he have to survive if he remains weak? After all, to take his revenge he needs…power!

Arokey · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs

Chapter 6: Fire Style…

Sora was lead into the alley with a gun behind his head. Despite it being morning, the building around them obscured them from light.

He didn't want to test if he could dodge a bullet at close range. Even if he could dodge it, the number of opponents around him may be enough to overwhelm him and he didn't want to leave it all to probability.

'Ten…twelve. There are twelve of them in total. I don't know if they have guns or not but I would assume they're all armed.'

His eyes moved from one man to the other, carefully counting their numbers. They stopped as they reached a dead end. The one who seemed to be in charge handed the gun to one of them.

"Keep it trained on him at all times. Don't let him do anything stupid. Half of you stay with him, this one seems a bit special. The rest of you come with me to get the van." He said as they followed his orders without question.

As they left, the one who now held the gun looked at Sora with a smug grin.

"I'm not like the other guy. If you try anything I'll blow your brains out." He said with the same smug look which the others mirrored.

He wouldn't tempt them by taunting or replying. He could see the impatience and anticipation in their eyes. They would willingly put a bullet in his head for the slightest thing he did.

'If I had the sharingan, this would be much easier but I guess I have to make do. Genjutsu can also be performed with hand signs. Though they tend to be less effective than illusion related bloodlines, they'll work good enough here. I just need to wait for them to get distracted to weave the signs.' He thought, taking in the entire situation and coming up with a solution.


Just as he was thinking about that, a dog ran into the alley, barking at its loudest, drawing their attention. The man holding the gun squeezed his face in annoyance.

"One of you get rid of that thing. It's going to draw a lot of attention here." He said before turning back to Sora.

"We can't have anyone interrupting us now, would we?" He asked rhetorically, the gun still pointed. There were no problems for the next few minutes.

In the next ten minutes, a van drove into the alley, stopping a few meters in front of them. The leader came down from the driver's seat and towards them.

"Did he cause any trouble?" He asked, the shape of another gun around his pocket area.

"The kid's probably scared to death. He hasn't said a word since you left." The grunt said with a twisted sense of pride. The man nodded at that and gave them their next set of orders.

"Load him in the back. We can get a few more before the day is over if we hurry up." He ordered.

Just then his phone vibrated. He took out his phone and walked out of the alley to attend to whatever business it was that he didn't want his 'goons' to hear.

"You heard him. Get in the van before I light you up." The grunt said as he pushed Sora forward.

Instead of stumbling and struggling from the push, the man's hand went right through him with no resistance.

"What the hell!?" He screamed in shock, dropping the gun in his shock.

"He's one of those freaks!" One of them said, also in shock.

"Find him!" The previous one shouted in panic. They were huddled together as they all looked around.

"Up here!" Their search was interrupted as Sora's voice called from his position, standing on top of the van.

"Don't move!" One of them shouted as they all took out their guns and pointed towards him.

"You may have been successful in abducting those other kids but…" Sora started in a powerful and stable cold voice as his hand carefully weaved hand signs.

The men standing on ground level had a bad feeling as he continued moving making seals.

"I said don't move damn it!!!" They shouted as the hands holding the gun shook a bit while still aimed at him but that didn't stop him.

"…trying to kidnap me was your first mistake." Sora said as he made the last hand sign. He then took a deep and deliberate breath.

"Shoot him down!" Having had enough, the pseudo leader ordered them.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

At the same moment they let bullets fly, Sora released the content of his puffed up cheeks. Instead of air, he let out a large ball of fire that incinerated the bullets upon contact and continued going.

"What the hell!"

"We're going to die!"

"I don't want to die!"


The thought that he was killing his fellow humans crossed his mind while he thought of this plan but for some reason, he was okay with it.

He didn't know if it was the combination of the mentality that came with Sasuke's template and his already traumatically corrupted morality but in the few minutes that he thought of it, he had accepted it.

'Fire Style: Great Fire Ball Jutsu!' He intoned internally.



They screamed in pain as they were engulfed in the flames. The smell of burning flesh spread throughout the area. The ball of flame slammed into the wall with a loud boom. The surrounding buildings slowly caught fire but the men were already dead.

Sora watched with an impassive look as the bodies burnt away. He pushed down the almost minuscule sick feeling in his gut.

'I'm not the heroic type. I couldn't care less about what you did but the moment you involved me, you signed your death warrants.' He thought as he jumped down from the roof of the van and turned to walk away.

"What the hell is going on here!?" The leader who was drawn by the sound of his men screaming and the fire.

'Now for the last one.' He thought as the man spotted him.

"I said what the hell happened here!?" He screamed as he drew his gun and aimed at him.

"You're men are dead. You'll soon be joining them!" Sora said as he dashed towards him.

"Freak!" He screamed as he fired the gun.


The bullet was too fast for humans to see it but Sora anticipated his thought process. As the bullet tore through Sora, the sound of the bullet tearing through wood was what he heard, confusing him.

'Sora' in front of him exploded in a small puff of smoke. The smoke dissipated, revealing a log of wood with a bullet hole in it.

"What!?" He asked in shock. Before he could think anymore, a foot slammed into the back of his head. It had enough power to knock him out.

He thought of using the knife in his inventory to finish the job but he quickly threw away that thought.

'Any detective with a brain would see the difference in the way they died.' He then looked towards the fire.

Sora picked the man from the back of his clothes and dragged him towards the fire.

'If he died the same way, the suspicion of it being anything other than a fire that killed them would lessen considerably.' He thought, ready to throw him into the fire.

As he was about to go through with it, he was distracted by the ringing of a phone. He looked to the man's pocket where the ringing was coming from. He let the man drop to the floor and fished the phone out of his pocket. On the screen the name 'Boss' was displayed.

'So he's not the one giving orders.' He thought before picking up. Before he could even speak, a hoarse voice came from the other side.

"Did you get the kids?" The voice asked rudely.

"Yeah. I got them." Sora answered, swallowing his annoyance, perfectly imitating the voice of the unconscious man.

Voice imitation was one of the things they were taught along with the transformation jutsu. After all, what's the point of imitating someone's appearance when you can't sound like them.

The line was silent for a moment before the voice spoke again.

"Good! Bring them to me." With that, the line was cut. Squashing his irritation, he digested what just happened.

'There was no location mentioned, meaning that there's already a usual meeting point and he knows it.' Sora thought, looking at the unconscious man at his feet.

'It looks like there still use for you.' He thought as he prepared to wake him up.

Just then, the sound of police and ambulance sirens rang out and was quickly coming closer.

'They really took their time getting here.' He wanted to leave but he couldn't.

'I can't leave him here and I can't lug him around either. I need him to tell where the meeting point is.' He thought, cursing at the situation. He racked his brain to figure out a solution fast, the more time he used thinking, the more time he wastes.

'I hope this works.' He thought as he stretched his hand towards the unconscious man. The man's body vibrated for a few seconds before he disappeared.

'Thank goodness.' He thought in relief. A quick glance at how inventory told him that he was stored in his inventory. Hopefully he would still be alive when he brought him out of there.

With nothing holding him back now, he bolted away from the crime scene, leaving the police and the ambulance to discover the burnt bodies.