
Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series

A Mythology battle story where Gods, Demons, Beasts, and Heroes of every myth and legend select Warriors called Proxies to fight in their name in a war to decide who will become the ruler of the world after the old one stepped down! Fellow Miko as he's forced to join this war in order for him and everyone cares about to survive! Witness how far he's willing to go to be the last one standing!

KodyakCombs · Fantasia
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153 Chs

137th Adversary: Protect The Don!

Let's rewind to over a week ago when the Hall of Rebirth was attacked.

"The Sky Net has been disabled!"

"It's not safe! Everybody run!"


A bright light that rivaled the sun appeared over the city. This quickly condensed into a serpentine dragon for all to see. Layla looked at the dragon with horror while the computerized voice echoed in her ear.

"Experience the wrath of a dragon."

After the voice reached her ears, Layla was forced from her daze.

"Aiden, Acacia, Barak, Kris, and Arlan! Block the attack for me!"

The former guardians of Jara burst into the room and released their powers to the fullest. They used all of their strength to form a barrier covering everyone in the room.

"I'll help too!"

Oden poured his power into the barrier and helped strengthening it.


The dragon descended and caused mass destruction, completely destroying Nebulous City.

"Cough! Cough!"

Layla coughed out the smoke in her lungs and struggled to her feet. She looked at her surroundings and immediately felt great grief. The only thing that was left was burning rubble and corpses.

"Layla, are you alright?"

Jason lifted up a piece of burning rubble off him and stood up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. How's everyone else?"

"Tired, but alive."

Oden was laying on the ground.

"Oh, good. You're all alive."

They heard a voice and looked around.

"Alec of the Bloodflame."

"I was hoping you're all alive. This way we can go on the counterattack."

Alec picked up the former guardians and brought them to Layla.


He nodded.

"I was asked by Miko to keep an eye on you guys before he left. But the clan was also using this conflict with Dragon Storm to test you out, so I decided to watch how things played out and develop strategies in case the worst was to happen."

"Is this what you consider the worst?"

Alec shook his head.

"Miko being kidnapped. That's the worst case scenario."

"Kidnapped?! That's not possible."

"It's possible. It's just requires some trickery."

Alec responded.

"All you need to do is separate Miko from whoever guarding him long enough to use something to either capture or teleport him away. This however will require using a suicidal pawn strong enough to distract whoever's protecting him."

"…..That does sound like it will work."

Oden said.

"But if you know that, then you must've developed some kind of countermeasure."

"That's why I said counter."

Alec then started to explain.

"First, I want you all to go into hiding. It's best that the enemy believes that they've killed you. Second, is this."

He threw something at Layla who caught it. She looked down on the gadget with confusion.

"That is a tracker that allows you to know where Miko is in the world."

"A tracker? When did he install this?"

"He didn't. I did it when I was doing his check ups. He's too valuable to not keep track of."

"Won't the enemy think so as well?"

"They will, but they're dealing with me. So they can look all they want but they won't find it."

Alec laughed arrogantly.

"Anyway, if the off-chance that Miko is kidnapped, I want you guys to follow him but only follow him. Don't engage in battle unless you're 100% certain that he's in danger."

Layla and others nodded. They knew that they could put themselves and Miko in danger if they acted recklessly.

"Oh, don't allow anyone to know about this, even the empire. We want to prevent unnecessary information leaks."

"Then that will cause a lot of people to worry."

"Which will convince the enemy that they're in control of the situation. I feel sorry for Sasha but this is the most effective way. The opponent most likely is already making their move, so we can no longer stop it. The best thing is to go for the counter."


"What is it?"

"Why us? Wouldn't your success rate be higher if you use someone like Aeon or even do it yourself?"

"That's simple. We stand out too much. All the members of the three clans and their subordinates will naturally be under surveillance. If we make any odd moves then it's over. They'll kill Miko to cut their loses. Since they've already defeated you, you'll most likely be forgotten and free to move around. Also…"


"Also, this is the best chance to prove your value to everyone and show Miko that you're not deadweights needing protection."

Present day.

"I'll send you freaks all to hell!"

Nox roared with a crazy expression on his face.

"Oden, be careful. That's the Night King Nox. He's a very powerful and cruel Proxy who enjoys hunting powerful preys in return for fame and recognition."

Layla warned Oden, while keeping an eye on Miko.

"We just need to get Miko to get out of here. So there's no need to risk ourselves to kill him."


The guardians and Oden started spreading out to create a formation around their opponent. While Layla and Jason focused on retrieving Miko.


They all moved at the same time. Nox stood his ground with a wide smile.


Darkness started pouring out of Nox, forming into multiple tentacles which rushed at oden and the guardians. They scattered to avoid them. White static started generating in Oden's hands.

"Wolf Thunder!"

He thrust his hands and the static formed into a gigantic wolf bearing his fangs at Nox. The black tentacles rushed at the wolf and they clashed. The wolf ripped apart the tentacles and rushed towards Nox.

"Looks like you're better than I thought."

Nox lifted his hand and the wolf paused in front of him and unable to move. He grinned and the wolf started turning black as if it was being tainted.


The wolf burst like a balloon.

Nox swung his hand while turning around. A sickle made of darkness hit Aiden and Kris, who was trying to sneak up on him. He formed a cage of darkness which entrapped them inside it. The cage smashed into pieces after being hit by an arrow that was fired by Acacia. She loaded her bow with 7 arrows which all shun a different color of the rainbow.

"Freyr's Punishment!"

She fired the arrows and they formed a rainbow-colored trail behind them before growing in great magnitude. In a split second, all the arrows were about the size of a bus.

"A dark elf that uses Norse magic, huh?"

Nox laughed and formed a scythe in his hands and swung it.


It was as if the world had lost its color. Everything was black and white. Suddenly, everything froze like a photo.


The photo cracked like glass and color returned to the world, followed by the resumption of time.


A cut appeared across Acacia's chest. Blood sprayed out of the cut staining the sand. She collapsed onto the ground and started to twitch.

"That's one."

Nox said with a laugh.


He saw that Layla and Jason had made it to Miko's capsule while he was fighting.

"Hey, that's my ticket to fame."

He lifted his scythe to swing it down.


Dark tentacles appeared from his shadow and blocked Barak and Kris who came at him from the sides. The two leaped back and then moved to attack him again. Nox casually swung his scythe at them, they leaped over his swing and pulled out their respective weapons. Barak pulled out a crescent-shaped sword, while Kris pulled out a 6ft club and attacked Nox. Their weapons clashed with the dark tentacles back and forth while Nox himself looked relaxed. No matter how the two attacked him their attacks couldn't even touch his actually body.

"I don't get it. You're not Divine Beasts which means that you have no chance against a Divine Proxy like myself. Yet, you're all attacking me so desperately even after I just demonstrated that I can instantly kill any of you whenever I want with that dark elf just now."

He looked at Layla who was moving with Miko's capsule while Jason stayed at the back to protect her.

"Is that kid really worth putting your lives at risk?"

As if to answer him, Oden popped in front of him and threw a punch.


Nox blocked the punch with his hand.

"Isn't that obvious?"

"What's obvious is the fact that you no longer need this arm."

Nox bent Oden's hand and broke his wrist.


He then continued to break his arm like it was a twig.


Oden screamed out in pain but then gritted his teeth and forced a smile.

"Then take it!"

Oden's arm lit up.


A huge explosion blew away all the surrounding sand and devoured Nox. Oden leaped back missing an arm and with a bloody wound at his shoulder. Kris and Barak appeared at his side They looked at the spot Nox was standing before.



Oden's other arm was blown off, quickly followed by one of his leg. Kris pulled him back and the spot they were exploded.

"You actually detonated your own arm."

Nox stepped out of the smoke with his clothes a little burnt.

"Since you care so little about an arm, I'm sure you wouldn't mind losing a few more limbs."

He still had the same cocky smile on his face. He glanced behind him. Layla had successfully opened the capsule and was dragging the injured Miko out of it.

"Say, Erebus."

"What is it?"

Erebus, who was watching the entire time, answered when Nox called for him.

"You Gods said that kid is someone that must be destroyed at all cost, right? You guys refused to say why when we asked, so that made me curious. Which is why I came here to see for myself."

"What is it you're trying to say?"

Nox pointed at Miko.

"How is this kid dangerous? I mean look at him. He needs all these people to protect him. He clearly got his ass handed to him and was only made to live as entertainment. What's so great about him?"

He looked at Layla who was desperately trying to wake Miko up, while trying to heal his wounds. He then looked at Jason who was protecting her. Nox could tell just one attack and he could end them both. But in the end, he was curious.

"What's so special about this kid that you all are willing to die to protect him?"

"No one's dying."

Jason responded to Nox's question with a serious expression.

"If we die Miko will never forgive himself. It will haunt him forever. It's the duty of us, his subordinates, to prevent that. It's the gang's duty to protect the Don!"


Nox looked at him for a while before he started clapping.

"Nice speech. It didn't answer my question but I can see that your loyalty is real."

"Then here's another answer!"

The ground Nox was standing on lit up. He looked down and saw a huge magic circle appear under his feet. At the center of it was a lion's face.

"So this is what you two were up to."

He looked up and saw Aiden and Arlan floating in the air while covered in a bright glow.

"I've never heard of a manticore and a Winged Lion joining to cast a spell together."

"Then witness it first hand."

The magic circle started lighting up as proof that it was going to activate.

"Unfortunately, I won't because I'm going to shatter this spell before it activates."

Nox's shadow expanded as if it was planning to devour the magic circle.


A rainbow colored arrow hit the shadow and caused it to explode.


Nox turned around. Acacia was laying in a pool of blood with a bow in her hand, that was still pointing at him.

"Protect the Don…"

She mumbled before falling unconscious.

"You little…"

"Too late!"

Aiden and Arlan poured their power into the magic circle and activated it.

"Beast Magic: Lion's Den!"

The lion head at the center of the circle came to life and opened its mouth and devoured Nox. The circle then disappeared.

"We sent him to a different dimension. That should buy us some time."

Arlan landed on the ground and spoke to Layla. Aiden landed and picked up Acacia, while Kris held up Oden who only had one leg.

"Let's move and try to meet up with the Dragna forces!"

"Is that it?"


Erebus spoke up.

"You sent Nox to a different dimension. That was your trump card?"

"Don't listen to him. Let's move."

Layla and Jason lifted Miko on their shoulders and started to escape. Erebus laughed when saw this.

"You people really are underestimating those that have reached the divine realm of power. For a god, traveling between dimensions are simple, especially one created by mortals."


A loud shattering sound rung in everyone's ears. They looked and saw Nox appear out of nowhere. Erebus spoke with a smile.

"So of course it's the same for a Divine Proxy since they are as strong as a true god."

"Do you get it? You're trying to block a literal god with your feeble strength."

Nox smirked.

"Surely it's hopeless."

*Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!*

Black tentacles swat the guardians and Oden away. One swat forced them each off the island. Only Jason and Layla remained.

"Layla, run!"

Jason stood before Nox, only to blink and not see him again. He quickly turned around and saw Nox standing in front of Miko who laid on the ground. Layla was laid out on the ground.

"All this trouble for someone who can't even wake up because of his injuries."

A tentacle appeared from his shadow and stopped over Miko.

"I just don't get it. Maybe I'll know when I kill him?"

Nox mumbled.

He ordered the tentacle to pierce through Miko's heart. The tentacle moved while the guardians dragged themselves and Oden back to the island to see its decent.


Jason uncharacteristically screamed out in horror after the tentacle pierced through flesh.



Miko groaned and then slowly opened his eyes. His vision was blurry. It felt as if he had lost his senses. After a while, they started coming back to him one of after the other.


That's when he felt something hit his face.

"What's dripping on me, rain?"

He lifted his hands and wiped his face. He looked at them as his eyes adjusted.


Miko's hand was covered by a red liquid. Confused, he looked above him. That's when he finally noticed that someone was over him.


"Hey…You're finally up."

Layla smiled at him and then-


She coughed up a large amount of blood which splashed onto Miko's face. It was only after this that Miko fully woke up. He wiped his face and saw that Layla's blood was all over him.


He looked down. Something was sticking out of Layla's body. It looked like a black tentacle.

"Oh, I didn't expect for you to wake up with those injuries. Maybe there's more to you than meets the eye."

An unfamiliar man was smiling at him. He looked around and saw all of his other comrades. He saw one with a huge wound across her chest, one messing majority of his limbs, others who had all kinds of wounds on them.

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Oh, he's full of energy."

Nox laughed.

"Nox, kill him now."

Erebus spoke with a serious expression.

"Why the haste? I was wondering why he was so special and now he's awake to fill me in. Hey, Miko was it? Can you tell me why these guys risked their lives just to save you? Especially, this woman. She took a fatal blow to heart just for you. So I was wondering if you could fill me in?"

"Risk their everything? Fatal?"

Miko's mind became clouded. He couldn't comprehend what Nox was saying.


He looked at Layla who wore a bloody smile on her face.

"This isn't your fault. It's ours, so don't blame yourself."

(Not my fault? What's not my fault? Layla dying? It's not my fault? Not my fault? Not my fault? Not my fault?)

Miko's mind started became chaotic. Again Layla spoke-

"I'm sorry, Miko. Please run!"

Layla moved towards Nox and held on to him as if to block him with her body. Miko sat up with unfocused eyes. He watched as Layla struggled with Nox before being impaled with several tentacles.

"How annoying."

The tentacles lifted her in the air and threw her to side like she was garbage. Miko's eyes followed her body and became stuck on it laying on the ground.

"Now then."

Nox approached Miko.

"I'm gonna give you the chance to show me why you're special. Don't disappoint me now."

"Nox, Kill him now!"

Erebus shouted.

"Why are you so desperate? I mean look at him."

Miko was staring at Layla's body bleeding out on the ground as if he was in a trance.

"He's broken."

"I'm telling you, if you don't do it now you'll regret it later!"

Erebus shouted.

"How? Just what are you gods hiding?"

"Just do as I tell you!"

"After you explain yourself!"

Nox and Erebus started arguing. Meanwhile, Miko's mind was in shamble.

(Who's that? Layla? Why is Layla bleeding on the ground? Is it my fault? My fault? Me? Who am I? Where am I? What is this? What am I?)

Meanwhile in Miko's soul, in front of the five gates that controlled the powers of his Irregularity. A serpent could be seen looking at the gates.

*BAM!* *BAM!*

*BAM!* *BAM!*

Thunderous sounds came from beyond the gates as if something was trying to force its way out.

"Well, I guess this is the limit. I can't hold it back anymore."

The serpent, Satan Samael spoke.

"I don't know which idiot did it, but I hope he's happy."

Samael smiled.

"He just damned the entire world and practically caused its destruction."


All five gates burst open releasing a tidal wave which devoured the serpent.

Meanwhile, as Nox and Erebus were arguing Miko slowly got to his feet.


Nox turned and looked at Miko. He wore a blank expression on his face.

"What? Are you finally ready to go at it?"

Miko opened his mouth and spoke.

"I am who?"

"Huh? Did you finally lose it?"

"I am who? I am where? Where is everyone? Layla? Layla? Layla? Who is Layla?"

"What the?"

Nox looked at Miko as if he was a machine that was malfunctioning.

"God? Devil? Abomination? Monster?.....Satan?

And then-

"Satan! Satan! Satan! Satan! Satan! Sat@$*#%*@$*#%*@$*#%*@$*#%*@$*#%*@$*#%*@$*#%*!"

"The fuck?!"

Nox started backing away before he knew it.


Erebus roared at the top of his lungs. Creeped out, Nox planned on listening this time.


But his body froze. Miko's face cracked like it was made of glass. Cracks started appearing all over his body. As if it was copying him, cracks started appearing in the sky as well.

"What the hell is this…."

Nox saw Miko's skin fall off like shards of glass and disappear after touching the ground. A dark, gray, and murky being appear underneath the skin. It was as if the thing in front of him was born after shedding away the existence known as Miko. Before he knew it, a faceless grey mosaic entity stood in front of him.


The entity's head spilt horizontally and revealed a long, thick, black tongue and four rows of fangs. Nox saw it form a mouth in front of him. It opened this mouth wide and then-


That day, the world learned what true evil and true terror was like.