
You Will Know My Name

In a realm held tight under the oppressive reign of a cruel King, a monarch who sees his subjects as mere tools rather than people, whispers of a brewing rebellion begin to echo through the shadowy corners of society. Resentment stirs like a dormant beast within the hearts of the oppressed, yearning for liberation. At the helm of this burgeoning uprising stand two unlikely heroes, each carrying the weight of their past and fueled by an unquenchable thirst for justice. A fiery, newly liberated prisoner, smoldering with fury, her spirit as unbroken as a wild tempest, stands shoulder to shoulder with a warlord scorned. He, a formidable figure, his heart hardened by countless battles, bears the scars of betrayal like a warrior's badge of honor. Bound by shared resentment towards the tyrant King, they spearhead the uprising, their paths intertwined by fate and a shared vision of a liberated world. As they navigate the treacherous terrain of rebellion, they confront the inevitable question: Will they manage to claim the land and usher in a new dawn of freedom for their beleaguered people? Or will their formidable endeavor end up triggering a cascade of events that shatter the very foundations they hold dear, causing everything they cherish to crumble around them? Only time will reveal the outcome of their perilous mission.

KimariRose · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Going Through the Motions

Orryn's POV:

Seated at the head of the war room table, I observed my trusted advisers as they descended into a maze of disagreement and contention. After more than six hours, with each presenting their proposed battle tactics, no consensus had been reached on the best approach to infiltrate the remaining prisons. For a group of seasoned warriors, their patience was alarmingly thin, reminding me of squabbling children fighting over the newest toy.

A sigh escaped my lips, and I found myself questioning just how much longer I'd be confined to this room, surrounded by incessant arguments. I shared the collective sentiment that it was ill-advised to place another one of our members inside the prison as a guard. Given our previous strategy, it was likely they'd tighten their vetting processes, screening current guards for possible defectors. Malcolm's painstaking efforts to gain trust and eventually find himself in a favourable position at Stonewall prison had taken years. Such a duration was now a luxury we couldn't afford. With our recent assault on the second prison, our enemy would surely realise that our initial attack wasn't an isolated incident. As a result, the remaining prisons would likely increase their security measures, which could potentially put the inmates in even greater peril.

Considering a direct confrontation, it was evident that without an inside advantage, the prisons would be alerted immediately. Our successful manoeuvre at the prison where Fleya had been detained was largely due to its status as a low-security facility. Designed primarily for those guilty of minor offences and weaker labourers, its defences were considerably less formidable.

However, as the prisons increased in size, so too did the strength and tenacity of their inmates. Larger facilities were known to house inmates capable of producing rarer ores, which in turn attracted the attention of more elite guards. These guards, trained specifically for high-threat situations and adept in handling powerful prisoners, made any infiltration attempt exponentially more challenging.

Although concerns lingered about our team's safety during the infiltration, I found solace in the knowledge that those of us enhanced by Nadya's mysterious power would be fighting alongside the rest. This unexplained gift had wrought substantial changes in all who were touched by it. Those who were once considered our weakest fighters had now surpassed even our mightiest warriors in strength and prowess.

Yet, for reasons unbeknownst to me, my transformation surpassed them all. While every individual touched by her power experienced significant gains in speed, resilience, and overall physical ability, my evolution was unparalleled. My newfound abilities had progressed far beyond mere enhancements; they had transformed me into a force to be reckoned with.

The air around me felt different, as though I was seeing, hearing, and sensing everything at a heightened level. It wasn't just that my muscles felt more powerful or that my skin seemed tougher; it was a transformation that permeated every fibre of my being.

My newfound night vision was uncanny; even the faintest glimmers turned into distinct shapes and silhouettes in my eyes. The gentlest rustles, which previously went unnoticed, now reverberated in my ears, painting a clear auditory picture of the surroundings. During sparring sessions, adversaries who had once been a challenge were now effortlessly outpaced by my heightened reflexes. My endurance had skyrocketed; while others heaved and panted, seeking rest and respite, I felt as if an endless reservoir of energy pulsed within me. The rush of power, the sheer dominance I felt over physical limits, it was more than a mere boost; it was transformational.

Yet, as powerful as I had become, I was still dwarfed by the magnitude of the king's forces. Raw strength and heightened senses were formidable, yes, but they couldn't outmatch the overwhelming numbers the monarch commanded. He had legions at his beck and call, loyal subjects and conscripts that populated his vast army. I might have been an evolved warrior, but in the grand scheme, I was still but one man.

The thought often crossed my mind: What if Nadya's mystic influence had affected every rebel? What kind of force would we become then? An army of super-soldiers, each member as potent as I or even more so. That vision was tantalising but, for now, remained a dream.

With Nadya still trapped in her slumber, there was little she could do to aid our cause. And even if she were to awaken, I wasn't certain I would want her to help. Despite the injuries she sustained in the battle, Nadya had fought remarkably well, exceeding even my most optimistic expectations. Yet, here she was, still locked in unconsciousness. This could only mean one thing: the power she had wielded had exacted an immense toll on her body, pushing her into this state of suspended animation. Even if she were to ever wake up, asking her to tap into those reserves again would be perilous in the extreme. It was a risk I was unwilling to entertain, no matter how noble or urgent the cause. Her well-being was too important to me, and I couldn't bear the thought of putting her in harm's way again.

"Silence!" My voice thundered through the tent, its weight cutting through the chaotic disagreements like a knife. The room fell eerily silent, each face reflecting a mixture of surprise and, perhaps, a hint of fear. "We are spiraling in circles. Everyone, take the night to reflect. We'll regroup tomorrow with clearer heads."

"My lord…" Kyra started, her eyes filled with concern, but I lifted a hand to stop her mid-sentence.

"Tonight, we've achieved nothing beyond raising our voices," I said with an edge of weariness in my voice. "Rest now. We can't afford to make decisions fueled by frustration and exhaustion."

"Yes, my lord," came the synchronized response, echoing in the almost sacred stillness of the tent. As they filed out, their footsteps seemed louder, the sounds amplified by my heightened senses.

Once alone, I sank into my chair, feeling its cold, rigid frame against my back. An oppressive weight bore down on me, not from the demands of leadership, but from the gaping hole Nadya's absence left in my life. I felt like a ship lost at sea without its anchor. The bitterness of isolation gnawed at me, mingling with the raw sting of anger and the incessant ache of longing. Every whispered conversation, every glance exchanged between the council members, and every fleeting shadow seemed to remind me of her. I missed her laughter, her counsel, the way she would lightly touch my arm when she wanted my attention. Each day she remained in her slumber, a piece of me felt further adrift, questioning the very essence of my existence. Every sunrise without her was a reminder of the void she left, making me wonder if waking up to a world without her was truly worth it.

The weight of her absence bore heavily on my shoulders, a constant reminder of a void that I couldn't fill. The tent, which usually hummed with the energy of our strategy sessions, now felt lifeless and cold. I reached for the pendant around my neck, a trinket I had filled with the dried petals of the flower crown she had made personally for me, and held it tightly in my palm.

There was a world outside that tent that demanded my attention, an impending war, strategies to form, decisions to be made, but the world inside my mind was consumed with memories of her. Every decision I made, every plan I formed was with her in the backdrop of my thoughts.

I stood up abruptly, needing to feel the fresh night air against my face, hoping it might clear my head. Pushing aside the tent flap, I stepped out into the chilly evening. The camp was abuzz with activity, yet all I could see was the path that led to her tent. Without another thought, I made my way there, hoping to find solace in her presence, even if she couldn't be there to comfort me.

I gently pushed the tent curtain aside, the familiar sight of her motionless form greeting me. Despite the endless days and nights, she remained in the exact position I had left her. Time seemed to stand still for her, and the realization that her body had not shown any signs of weariness or decay, despite her prolonged inactivity, left me with a myriad of questions. The very power that had healed our wounds, granted us strength, was now mysteriously preserving her in this deep slumber.

As I approached her, my footsteps barely made a sound against the tent's soft floor. "I'm late again," I whispered, though I knew she probably couldn't hear me, "Today's meetings have been... demanding, just as the last." I slid into the bed beside her, my arm naturally finding its way around her form, pulling her into a gentle embrace. The rhythmic rise and fall of her chest against mine was a simple yet profound comfort.

Even in her unresponsive state, there was solace in our closeness. The weight of the world, the tensions from the war room, and the uncertainties of tomorrow all seemed to fade away, replaced by a sense of calm and security. Closing my eyes, I tightened my hold on her just a fraction more, the silence of the night wrapping around us. "Being with you," I murmured into the quiet, "makes everything else bearable." And with that, I let the exhaustion of the day take over, drifting into a dream-filled sleep.